再者,一个人在不同的时候读同一部书,可以得到不同的滋味。例如我们在和一位作家谈过一次后或看见过他的面目后,再去读他的著作,必会觉到更多的领略。又如在和一位作家反目之后,再去读他的著作,也会得到另一 种的滋味。一个人在四十岁时读《易经》所得的滋味,必和在五十岁人生阅历更丰富时读它所得的滋味不同。所以将书重读一遍,也是有益的。并也可以从而得到新的乐趣。我在学校时教师命读《Westward Ho》和《Henry Esmond》两书,那时我已能领略《Westward Ho》的滋味,但对于《Henry Esmond》则觉得很是乏味,直到后来回想到的时候,方觉得它也是很有滋味的,不过当时不能为我领略罢了。
Furthermore, the same reader reading the same book at different periods, gets a different flavour out of it. For instance, we enjoy a book more after we have had a personal talk with the author himself, or even after having seen a picture of his face, and one gets again a different flavour sometimes after one has broken off friendship with the author. A person gets a kind of flavour from reading the Book of Changes at forty, and gets another kind of flavour reading it at fifty, after he has seen more changes in life. Therefore, all good books can be read with profit and renewed pleasure a second time. I was made to read Westward Ho! and Henry Esmond in my college days, but while I was capable of appreciating Westward Ho! In my teens, the real flavour of Henry Esmond esgaped me entirely until I reflected about it later on, and suspected there was vastly more charm in that book than I had then been capable of appreciating.
The same reader reading the same book at different periods, gets a different flavour out of it.
不同年龄读同一本书, 特别是经典的好书,所获得的收获是完全不同的,有时会觉得是书变了,而实际上书不会变,只不过是自己长大了。
When I read the same book at diferent ages, gets a different flavour out of it, it seems that the book has changed, while the truth is I myself have been grown up.
In my teens, the real flavour of Henry Esmond esgaped me entirely until I reflected about it later on, and suspected there was vastly more charm in that book than I had then been capable of appreciating. 在这个句子里,我觉得"esgaped me entirely" 非常的传神,感觉文字好像一下子有了生命一样。
I feel that "esgaped me entirely" give life to the whole sentence.