秋言物语(53)| 马小秋:企业管理的虚实之道

秋言物语(53)| 马小秋:企业管理的虚实之道

作者: 536419b95306 | 来源:发表于2017-09-20 16:59 被阅读0次

血肉筋骨构成了人的身体,五脏六腑通过经络而内外连接。 何为经络?对人体生命而言,经络是看不见摸不着,但又起着决定性作用的、非物质性的、实际存在的东西。经络如同一个城市的交通图,经为主干道,络为主干所延伸出的许多条支干道,所以人体经络如同网络一般,在人体中自然而有序地运行着。因此,人体整个构造的本身就是一虚一实、一阴一阳,虚实相应、阴阳相合,构成了我们完整的生命体。

Fresh and bones constitute one’s body, and the internal organs are connected by main and collateral channels from inside to outside. So what are channels? Coming to life, main and collateral channels are non-physical things, which play decisive role in body, though being invisible and untouchable. Just like the traffic map of a city, main channels are like the main streets, collateral channels are various branch roads extended from main streets. So, just like a network, the main and collateral channels are running naturally and orderly. Therefore, human body’s structure is a balance of truth and falsehood, yin and yang. The correspondence of truth and falsehood , as well as combination of yin and yang define our complete life.


Things on the earth are interlinked with each other. Once when someone asked me about company’s management experience, I hold business administration is like the health management of body. They share the same principle despite of being different from each other.


As the saying goes:“ Small as the sparrow is, it possesses all its internal organs.” In a company, the founders and senior managers are like the main channels, while the fundamental employees are like collateral channels, with enterprise’s culture as soul. Departments of a company are the internal organs of a body, while all running projects are fresh and bone. The lives of a company and body are same, enjoying identical principle but different bodies.


If you don’t master the essence of life , we may misbehave recklessly with our wrong understanding, resulting in torturing ourselves with sufferings. “The success of a company base on the grassroots.” Both the palm and back of a hand are flesh, both arms and legs are indispensable, so a slight move in one part may affect the situation as a whole.As there are a number of lower-level employees in a company, the so-called boss is demanded then. So, the boss should take colleagues as relatives instead of treating departments or staff differently, and showing confrontation or disregards to colleagues. Only with love, confidence and determination can you keep health and forge an extraordinary company.


马小秋,《秋言物语》随笔系列原创作者,深圳市鼎益丰集团创始人、总裁 、 禅道商学院院长 、深圳市企业联合会副会长 、 深圳市投资者联合会副会长 、广东省万明子慈善基金会理事长

翻译| 杨丽萍   图片 | 来源网络



    本文标题:秋言物语(53)| 马小秋:企业管理的虚实之道
