The night was bitterly cold. A sharp wind whipped the fallen snow up into the air and blew it into every hole and corner. It was a night for the homeless to lie down and die; and for the luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God they were at home.
In the workhouse where Oliver was born, Mrs Corney - the widow in charge - was making tea by her fire. When she heard a knock at her door, she frowned and called out sharply, 'Come in.' The frown, however, was quickly changed to a sweet smile When she saw Mr Bumble enter.

'Hard weather, Mr Bumble,' said the widow.
'Yes, indeed, ma'am,' replied the beadle. 'We've had to give out to the poor people in this town great quantities of bread and cheese today, and they're still complaining. Why, one man even came back and demanded some free fire-wood! What does he want that for? People are never satisfied. Given them one thing today, and tomorrow they'll ask for something else!'
Mrs Corney agreed that it was very shocking. They discussed some workhouse business together, and then Mr Bumble looked hopefully at the teapot. Mrs Corney offered him some tea. Instantly, Mr Bumble sat down by the fire and gave the widow such a warm smile that her face turned a delicate pink. She passed Mr Bumble the tea-cup, and as he took it, he managed to give her hand a little stroke. 'You're a kind-hearted woman, Mrs Corney,' said the beadle.
'Oh, Mr Bumble!' said the widow, smiling shyly. For a while there was a friendly science between them, then Mr Bumble moved his chair closer to the widow's. Mrs Corney, of course, did not notice this, but when the beadle's arm began to slide around her waist, she felt she must make a small protest.
Encouraged by this response, Mr Bumble immediately gave her a kiss, but at this interesting moment there was a sudden knock at the door. Mr Bumble jumped to his feet and went to the other end of the room.
'Please, Mrs Corney,' said a voice outside, 'Old Sally is going fast.'
'Well, what can i do to help her?' asked Mrs Corney angrily.
'Nothing, Ma'am,' replied the old woman outside. 'But she says she has something to tell you, which you must hear. She won't die quietly till you come.'
Complaining loudly, Mrs Corney asked Mr Bumble to wait until she came back. Then she followed the old woman up the stairs.
Old Sally lay in bed in a freezing cold room. The fire was so small and mean that it gave no warmth at all.
Mrs Corney bent over the bed, and the dying woman opened her eyes. 'Come closer,' she murmured. 'Let me whisper in your ear,' she held onto Mrs Corney's arm and pulled her down towards her. 'In this same room i once helped a pretty young woman who came in with cut and bleeding feet, who gave birth to a boy and then died.'
'Well?' asked Mrs Corney impatiently.
'I robbed her. She was hardly dead before i stole it'
'Stole what?'
'It! the only thing she had. it was gold. It could have saved her life.'
'Gold? Who was this mother? Tell me!'
'She told me to look after it when she died.' The old woman's mind was getting confused. 'She trusted me, poor girl, and i stole it.'
'Quick, tell me or it may be too late!' said Mrs Corney greedily. 'What was it, and what was the boy's name?'
The old woman could hardly speak. 'Oliver. The gold i stole was ― '
'Yes, yes, what?'
The old woman fell back onto the bed, dead.
Mrs Corney hurried back to her room, where Mr Bumble was still admiring her furniture and counting her silver tea-spoons. They sat down again by the fire, and soon Mr Bumble's arm returned to its previous position round Mrs Corney's waist. It was not long before he asked her to marry him, and the widow happily accepted him. While they drank to celebrate the arrangement, Mrs Corney told Mr Bumble about Old Sally's death, and the unknown gold object which she had stolen from the dead body of the young woman.