No.38 透纳 | 英国绘画史上的天才人物

No.38 透纳 | 英国绘画史上的天才人物

作者: 经典油画 | 来源:发表于2019-05-14 00:14 被阅读1次

No.38 透纳 | 英国绘画史上的天才人物

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Joseph Mallord William Turner


英国画家, (1775-1851)

威廉·透纳(william Turner, 1775-1851)被誉为英国绘画史上的天才人物。威廉·透纳24岁被选为皇家美术协会候补院士,28岁成为正式院士,也是有史以来最年轻的院士。

—— By ArtYouhua


Rain Steam and Speed, The Great Western Railway


Wreckers Coast of Northumberland,1834


The Burning of the Houses of Parliament,1834


The Shipwreck,1805


Childe Harold,1823


The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up,1839

Snow Storm - Steam Boat off a Harbour's Mouth,1842

Venice with the Salute,1840-1845

Boscastle, Cornwall

Ivy Bridge, Devonshire

The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire,1792

Cathedral Church at Lincoln,1795

Fishermen at Sea,1796

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire,1796

Moonlight, A Study at Millbank,1797

Buttermere Lake, a Shower,1798

Morning Amongst the Coniston Fells, Cumberland,1798

Norham Castle, Sunrise,1798

Caernarvon Castle,1799

Dolbadern Castle,1799

Perspective View of Fonthill Abbey from the South West,1799


South View of Christ Church, from the Meadows,1798-1799

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland; Thunderstorm Approaching at Sunset,1799


The Fifth Plague of Egypt,1800

Rome From Monte Testaccio

Dutch Boats in a Gale,1801


Dutch Fishing Boats in a Storm,1801


Pembroke Caselt, South Wales, Thunder Storm Approaching,1801


Lake Lucerne,1802

St. Erasmus in Bishop Islips Chapel, Westminster Abbey

Ships Bearing up for Anchorage ('The Egremont Sea Piece'),1802


Bonneville, Savoy with Mont Blanc,1803

Sunrise, Whiting Fishing at Margate

Calais Pier, with French Poissards Preparing for Sea, an English Packeet Arriving,1803

Tabley, the Seat of Sir J.F. Leicester Bt.: Windy Day

Glacier and Source of the Arveron, Going Up to the Mer de Glace,1803

The Battle of Trafalgar

The Festival of the Opening of the Vintage, Macon,1803

The Chapter House, Salisbury Chathedral

The Passage of the St. Gothard,1804

The Devil's Bridge, St. Gothard

Interior of Salisbury Cathedral,1802-1805

The Exile and the Snail

The Grand Canal Scene, A Street In Venice

The Lake of Thun, Switzerland,1806

The Grand Canal, Venice, engraved by William Miller

Windsor Castle from the Thames,1804-1806

The Nordgalerie

Sun Rising through Vagour Fishermen Cleaning and Sellilng Fish,1807

Totnes, in the River Dart

The Thames near Walton Bridges,1807

Transept of Ewenny Priory, Glamorganshire

Tree Tops and Sky, Guildford Castle,1807

Valley of The Brook Kedron

Pope's Villa, at Twickenham,1808


The Battle of Trafalgar, as Seen from the Mizen Starboard Shrouds of the Victory,1806-1808

View of Saint Germain en Laye and its Chateau


Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury

Ploughing up Turnips, near Slough,1809


The big connection channel at Southall Mill,1810


The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons,1810

Wilderness A Engedi & Convent of Santa Saba

The Lake Geneva seen from Montreux,1810

The Wreck of a Transport Ship,1810

Scarborough Town and Castle. Morning.Boys Catching Crabs,1811

Snow Storm, Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps,1812

Frosty Morning,1813

The Mew Stone at the Entrance of Plymouth Sound,1814

Crossing the Brook,1815

Dido Building Carthage,1815

The Battle of Fort Rock, Val d'Aoste, Piedmont,1815

Pendennis Castle, Cornwall Scene after a Wreck,1816

The Vale of Ashburnham,1816

Landscape Composition of Tivoli,1817

Mount Vesuvius in Eruption,1817

The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire,1817

A First Rate Taking In Stores,1818

Dort, the Dort Packet Boat from Rotterdam Bacalmed,1818

Kirby Londsale Churchyard,1818

Raby Castle, Residence of the Earl of Darlington,1818

Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh,1819

Rome, The Forum with a Rainbow,1819

San Giorgio Maggiore in the Morning,1819

St. Peter's from the south,1819

Venice, Looking East from the Guidecca, Sunrise,1819

Rome from the Vatican,1820

Rome, The Colosseum,1820

Norham Castle on the Tweed,1822

What You Will!,1822



    本文标题:No.38 透纳 | 英国绘画史上的天才人物
