No.29卡纳莱托 | 威尼斯场景画艺术

No.29卡纳莱托 | 威尼斯场景画艺术

作者: 经典油画 | 来源:发表于2019-05-13 00:28 被阅读0次

    No.29卡纳莱托 | 威尼斯场景画艺术

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    意大利画家, (1697-1768)

    卡纳莱托(乔凡尼·安东尼奥·康纳尔Giovanni Antonio Canal),意大利风景画家,尤以准确描绘威尼斯风光而闻名,是威尼斯场景画艺术的代表人物之一。

    —— By ArtYouhua


    Grand Canal Looking Northeast from the Palazzo Balbi to the Rialto Bridge,1719


    Grand Canal, Looking East from the Campo San Vio,1723


    Piazza San Marco Looking East along the Central Line,1723

    1719年左右卡纳莱托到罗马旅游,在那里接触到了比他年长一些的罗马画家朱塞佩·加姆巴利尼(giuseppe gambarini)的作品,并发生了极大的兴趣。朱塞佩·加姆巴利尼也善于描绘都市场景,以及古罗马的废墟等,他的作品给了卡纳莱托很大的启示,尤其是建筑的透视法和生动的场景人物的交融。卡纳莱托回到威尼斯以后,即开始了场景画的创作。卡纳莱托一生十分勤奋,创作了大量的作品,且几乎未涉及过其他体裁的创作。

    The Grand Canal from the Campo San Vio, Venice,1723

    San Cristoforo, San Michele & Murano,1722-1723

    Rio dei Mendicanti,1724

    The Piazzetta towards San Giorgio Maggiore,1724

    Venice: The Grand Canal, Looking North East from Palazzo Balbi to the Rialto Bridge,1724

    Doge's Palace,1725

    Entrance To The Grand Canal Looking East,1725

    Grand Canal Looking Northeast from near the Palazzo Corner Spinelli to the Rialto Bridge,1725

    Grand Canal: Looking North East toward the Rialto Bridge,1725

    Rio dei Mendicanti: Looking South,1725

    Santi Giovanni e Paolo and the Scuola de San Marco,1725

    The Grand Canal nethe Ponte del Rialto,1725

    The Grand Canal Seen from Rialto toward the North,1725

    The Piazzetta to the South,1725

    Grand Canel the Rialto Bridge from the North,1725

    Grand Canal: Looking from Palazzo Balbi,1726

    Grand Canal: Looking North from Nethe Rialto Bridge,1726

    San Giacomo di Rialto,1726

    The Grand Canal near San Maria della Carità,1726

    Santi Giovanni e Paolo and the Scuola di San Marco,1726

    San Giacomo de Rialto,1725-1726

    Grand Canal. The Rialto Bridge from the South.,1727

    Stonemason's Yard,1727

    The Piazzet Looking South,1727

    The Piazzetta Looking towards S. Maria della Salute,1727

    The Piazzetta, Looking toward the Clock Tower,1727

    Venice, The Piazzetta Looking South west towards Santa Maria della Salute,1727

    View of San Giovanni dei Battuti at Murano,1727

    The Piazzetta Looking towards the Torre dell'Orologio,1728

    Dolo on the Brenta,1728

    Reception of the Imperial Ambassador at the Doge's Palace,1729

    The Bucintgoro by the Molo on Ascension Day,1729

    The Grand Canal,1729

    An Allegorical Painting of the Tomb of Lord Somers,1722-1729

    Fonteghetto della Farina,1730

    Piazza San Marco with the Basilica,1730

    Piazza San Marco, the Clocktower,1730

    Reception of the Ambassador in the Doge's Palace,1730

    Riva degli Schiavoni Looking East,1730

    Riva degli Schiavoni: Looking East,1730

    The Grand Canal and the Church of the Salute,1730

    The Grand Canal from Campo San Vio towards the Bacino,1730

    The Molo Looking West,1730

    The Punta della Dogana,1730

    The Riva degli Schiavoni,1730

    View of Campo Santi Apostoli,1730

    View of the Ducal Palace,1730

    Campo Santa Maria Formosa,1730

    The Molo and the Piazzetta San Marco, Venice,1730

    A Regatta on the Grand Canal,1732

    Grand Canal From Santa Maria Della Carita To The Bacino Di San Marco,1732

    Grand Canal Looking North from near the Rialto Bridge,1732

    Grand Canal: Looking North East from Santa Croce to San Geremia,1732

    Return of the Bucentoro to the Molo on Ascension Day,1732

    Venice: Riva degli Schiavoni,1732

    Venice: The Canale di San Marco with the Bucintoro at Anchor,1732

    View of the Entrance to the Arsenal,1732

    View of the St. Mark's Basin,1732

    Campo Sant Angelo,1732

    Grand Canal,1733

    The Arsenal: the Water Entrance,1730-1733

    The Piazzetta,1734

    Campo Santa Maria Formosa,1735

    Entrance to the Grand Canal and the Church of La Salute,1735

    Feast of San Rocco (The Doge Visiting the Church and Scuola di S. Rocco),1735

    Roofs and Chimneys in Venice,1735

    The Doge's Palace with the Piazza di San Marco,1735

    The Rialto Bridge from the South,1735

    Campo San Rocco,1735

    Campo Santi Apostoli,1731-1735

    Entrance to the Grand Canal: from the West End of the Molo,1737

    Piazza San Marco, Looking Towards San Geminiano,1737

    Piazzetand the Doge s Palace from the Bacino di San Marco,1737

    Rialto Bridge from the South,1737

    Grand Canal: Looking South West,1738

    St. Mark's Basin,1738

    The Upper Reaches of the Grand Canal with S. Simeone Piccolo,1738

    Venice: The Grand Canal from Palazzo Flangini to the Church of San Marcuola,1738

    Campo San Giovanni e Paolo in Venice,1738

    A Regatta on the Grand Canal,1740

    Padua: The Prato della Valle with Santa Giustinia and the Church of Misericordia,1740

    Padua: The Prato della Valle with Santa Giustinia and the Church of Misericordia,1740

    The Bucintore Returning to the Molo on Ascension Day,1740

    The Grand Canal at Rialto,1740

    The Grand Canal at the Salute Church,1740

    The Grand Canal at the Salute Church,1740

    The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni from the St. Mark's Basin,1740

    The Molo with the Library and the Entrance to the Grand Canal,1740

    Venice: The Basin from the Giudecca,1740

    Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo,1741

    Imaginary View of Venice,1741


    The Brenta Canal at Padua,1741

    Capriccio with Venetian Motifs,1742

    Rome: Ruins of the Forum, Looking towards the Capitol,1742

    Rome: The Arch of Constantine,1742

    View of the Church and the Doge s Palace from the Procuratie Vecchie,1742



        本文标题:No.29卡纳莱托 | 威尼斯场景画艺术
