Jupiter is the sixth planet from the Sun.
Unlike rocky planet, such as Earth or Mars. Jupiter is a gas-giant planet, and therefore there is no solid surface. The planet is mostly swirling gas and liquids.
Jupiter is the largest planet of all.If we combine the mass of the rest of planets in the Solar system we will end up with only half of the mass of Jupiter.
Jupiter is 11 times wider than the earth. If the earth were size of a coin, Jupiter would be about as big as a baseball .
Despite its great size, it spins very fast, taking less than 10 hours long. The rapid rotating makes bulge visibly at its equator and whips its colorful clouds into horizontal stripes and swirling storm.
Jupiter appearance is a tapestry of colorful clouds bands and spots. The gas planet likely has three distinct cloud layers, spanning about 71 kilometers.
Jupiter makes a complete orbit around the Sun in about 12 Earth years. Jupiter has 53 known moons, with additional 16 moons awaiting confirmation of their discovery that is a total 69 moons. The largest of Jupiter’s moons is Ganymede, it is the largest moon of the Solar System. Ganymede is larger than Mercury.