Day9: 常用动词一

Day9: 常用动词一

作者: 换个名字再说 | 来源:发表于2018-07-28 01:31 被阅读17次


  1. 我们通常使用appear表示how something looks(显得)或seems look,经常在appear后面跟形容词或者是一个to动词不定式:

    They appear very disappointed.

    There appears to be a problem with the car.

    The people don't appear to know why they are here.


    She appears quite a nervous driver.

    还可以和it一起使用作为主语,跟着as ifas thoughthat

    It appears as if you got the wrong directions to the school.

    It appears as though they were wrong.

    It appears that he was not the first choice.

  2. appear也表示come into sight(出现)、become noticeable

    Suddenly the figure of a man appeared in the distance.

  3. 我们主要使用appear讨论事实或事件等,使用seem去讨论一些事实也讨论一些个人的感觉看法和主意等,seem和名词使用:

    His car appears/seems to have broken down.

    It seems crazy that we shoud have to pay twice.

    Not: It appears carzy that ...

    It seemed a good choice at the time.

    Not: It appeared a good choice ...


  1. 我们使用动词arrive+in/at来谈论coming to, getting to, 或reaching一个地点,表明一段行程结束。如果我们将目的地视为一个点,使用arrive at;如果将目的地视为区域,使用arrive in

    We arrive at the art gallery just as it was closing. (将gallery视为点)

    Immigrants who arrived in the country after 2005 have to take a special language test. (将country视为区域)

  2. 我们不使用arrive to+地点:

    I always arrive at college about half an hour before my classes start.

    Not: I always arrive to college about ...

Ask / Ask for

  1. ask表示提出一个问题或向某人寻求一个答案:

    Can I ask you a question?

    He asked me what the age I was.

    "How are you?" she asked.

  2. 我们可以使用ask + to动词不定式 来表示要求什么东西:

    She asked to see Professor Tao.

    We asked Tim to help us.

  3. ask for + something表示你希望某人给你something

    I always ask for extra tomato sauce on my pizza.

    They asked their boss for more money, but he refused.

    I call them to ask for more details.

    Not: I call them to ask more details. (希望寻求某物时,使用ask for)

  4. demand表示ask for something forcefully,以一种方式表明我们不想被拒绝:

    We are writing to ask for your help in finding suitable accommodation in Shanghai.

    Not: We are writing to demand ...


  1. come表示移动,表示从说者的地方到听者或听者的地方到说者的动作;或者从其它地方到说者或听者的地方;或者和说话者或听者去其它地方:

    Can you come to my office? I need to show you something. (听者到说者的动作)

    Shall I come to your place at 8 pm? (说者到听者的动作)

    Roise is going to come to you on Friday if that's okay. (其它地方到听者)

    A man come to my door last night selling pictures. (其它地方到说者)

    Are you coming with us to the beach this afternoon?

  2. come表示到达(arrive):

    Has the post come yet?

    Fan come about an hour ago but Tom isn't here yet.

  3. come / come to,当我们讨论因为一个人到特定地点而发生的事,使用come and;当我们简单的表达一个人的倾向或去某地的目的,使用come to

    Would you like to come and have dinner with us one day next week?

    He comes to apologise, but she wouldn't speak to him. (他的倾向意图是道歉)

  4. 在非正式口语中how come表示why

    A: How about lunch at 1 pm?

    B: Not today. I am afraid.

    A: How come?

    B: I've got a big meeting this afternoon and I need to prepare for it.


-- do 作为主要动词

  1. 泛指做这个动作,不具体指明是什么动作:

    What have you been doing today, anything interesting?

    Can I do anything to help?

  2. 达到、完成或处理某事物:

    A: I have done this washing up.

    B: Oh, thank you.

    We did 80 miles on the first day of our cycling holiday.

  3. 工作或者任务:

    What does Joe's sister do? - She's a doctor.

  4. 参与到活动中:

    I did a lot of hiking and mountain-climbing when I was younger.

    She did a trip down the Amzon when she was in Brazil.

  5. 制作、创造。经常在非正式口语中使用do连接copydesigndrawingpainting等词:

    I like that photo of you. Can you do me a copy.

    Who did the design for the website?

    She did a lovely painting of the house where we live.

  6. 整理干净、有条理:

    The clearner was doing my room when I came back.

    I'll just do my hair and then I'll be ready.

  7. 足够的,可接受的:

    A: What size of bag do you need?

    B: A small one will do.

-- do 作为助动词

  1. 用在否定句中,简写形式(don't、doesn't、didn't)常用在日常非正式场合,非简写形式比较正式:

    I don't like you.

  2. 用在问句中,还有反问中:

    Do you like me?

    Didn't you get my email? I sent it at about four o'clock.

    Did the parents not realize that something serious had happened to their child?

    She plays the piano? Doesn't she?

  3. 用在强调句中,强调主动词,重读do

    I do like your new jacket!

    She does look so tired!


    Do come and have dinner with us some time.

    Do stop talking, Harry! You are boring everybody!

-- do作为替代动词

  1. do替代那些我们不想重复的词:

    A: We went to the concert in the park this year.

    B: Yes, we did too. (Yes, we went to the concert in the park too.)

    如果需要替代的是to动词不定式,那么不能单独使用do替代,可以删除需要替换的动词短语保留to,或者使用do sodo itdo that替代:

    It's not often I write letters to newspapers, but that day I desperately felt the need (to write letters to newspapers.此括号内容是需要被替代的)

    It's not ..., but that day I desperately felt the need (to) (to do so) (to do it) (to do that). (四个括号任选其一)

  2. 我们主要用do so去指那些主语和动作与我们提到的相同,do sodo itdo that要正式:

    I wanted them to leave, and politely asked them to do so(asked them to leave), but they wouldn't go, so I call the police.

    使用do so要比单独使用do正式很多:

    Do you mind if I open the present now?

    Yes, please do so. (open the present now)

    也可以用do so替代一系列动作:

    The birds make their nests on the north side of the island in little holes in the rocks. The reason why thry do so is because ...

  3. 当我们引用涉及动词和宾语时,我们使用do it,特别是当主语与我们提到的不一样:

    He accidentally deleted some emails on his computer.

    I do it all the time. (我一直这么做,两次主语不同)

  4. do that强调有意识的动作:

    A: Would you ever give a complete stranger your phone number?

    B: No. I would never do that. (I would never give a complete stranger my phone number.)


    I've decided to wait a year before starting college. I want to travel a bit and see the world.

    B: I really think you should do that rather than starting college. You are still so young.

  5. do sodo itdo that虽有时有一点差别,但是它们经常可以互换使用

  6. 也可以使用情态动词+do来替代:

    A: I feel terrible.

    B: You should go to the doctor.

    A: I should do, I know, but I have so much work to finish.

    A: Has Matin met Paul before?

    B: He could have done at the sales meeting last year, but I'm not sure.



    本文标题:Day9: 常用动词一
