The rise of the LLM (Master of Laws) degree is a subject that has not come without debate, but as many question the value of this qualification for domestic graduates, there is little doubt of the benefit it presents to international students across the globe.

As the legal profession evolves to meet the demands of an increasingly globalized world, more Asian graduates and lawyers are looking West to hone their skills and increase their employability. According to the UK Council for International Student Affairs, in the academic year 2013-14, 25 percent of students enrolled in UK law programs came from overseas.
日益庞大的全球化市场对于法律人才的需求持续增加,更多的亚洲毕业生和律师选择到西方国家求学来磨练他们的技能和提高他们的就业能力。 根据 英国国际学生事务委员会 ,在2013-2014学年,25%的英国法律课程注册学生来自海外。

The demand for these programs is not restricted to the UK; according to the Institute of International Education (IIE), in the academic year 2012-13, there were 9,995 international students enrolled in legal courses throughout the US. The following year the figure stood at 10,872, showing a 9.2 percent increase in demand for these programs.
而且对这些法律课程项目的需求不仅限于英国; 根据国际教育学院(IIE),在2012-2013学年,共有 9995 位国际学生在美国注册法律课程。 次年这一数据是10,872,需求增长了9.2%。

For Asian lawyers and law graduates, the benefits of pursuing an LLM in the West are manifold. Some want to specialize in a specific area, others want to ground themselves in the host country’s legal system, while more want to add themselves to a global legal talent pool that is meeting the demands of an increasingly complex international legal environment.
对于亚洲律师和法律系毕业生来说,在西方寻求法学硕士的好处是多方面的。 有些人想专注于特定的领域,其他人则想要自己深入了解东道国的法律制度,然而更多的人想把自己加入到满足日益复杂的国际法律环境的要求全球性的法律人才大军中。

Whatever their ultimate ambitions, most international students pursuing LLMs in the US and the UK find very favourable environments, with relatively small class sizes, an excellent range of specializations, and faculty and courses that encourage students to think quickly and learn to analyze legal problems from a practical perspective.

本新闻解读首发于2019年6月22日,选自Study International
作者:Genna Ash


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