蕴藉拙朴 去伪存真-国画家孙志刚

作者: 聚贤堂名家经典 | 来源:发表于2019-07-19 06:55 被阅读1245次

    中国书画报首都艺术中心      首都书画院《聚贤堂》名家经典 国际传播 荣誉出品Chinese painting and calligraphy newspaper capital art center capital painting and calligraphy academy "ju xian tang" famous classic international dissemination honor production

    Chinese painter sun zhigang

    孙志刚;中国工笔画学会常务理事、副秘书长兼办公室主任 。


    Sun Zhigang;Executive director, deputy secretary general and office director of Chinese fine Chinese painting society,Member of Chinese couplet association,Member of art committee of Chinese couplet association,Member of China old photographers association,Member of China petrochemical artists association,Director of Beijing minjin kaguang calligraphy and painting academy,Member of shandong artists association。


    The embarrassment of human existence is this: on the one hand we have to hunt, we have to get food, or we will struggle to the edge of starvation.On the other hand, excessive acquisition makes us lose our freedom and become enslaved by material things.Between the right hand and the left hand there is the human self.Freud says, "we chase the light and we chase the dark, and we crave love, and sometimes we throw it at our hands in a self-destructive rush.There is a barren night in the heart of man, for his dark and lonely self."

    Works by sun zhigang


    Art works are the most "self" show, the life of the individual's love, hatred, anger and sadness are all hidden in it.However, most of the time, we are confused by too many theories and illusions, unable to conform to ourselves and direct to the essence, which makes art face the danger of vulgarization.In zhigang's sketches, I see his "self", his spirit and aesthetics.Sketch is precisely because of "simple", pointing to the heart, without pretence, make it become the best tool for artists to reflect on themselves and analyze themselves.

    Works by sun zhigang


    I am deeply gratified that zhigang can start from here and get through the channel of artistic creation. From the comparison between Chinese and western aesthetics, western aesthetics mainly focuses on the sublime, that is, "gang" (Kant's aesthetics). Chinese aesthetics mainly focuses on beauty, that is, "soft", especially "graceful" beauty. The aesthetics of song dynasty is the integration of Chinese aesthetics, that is to say, the comprehensive and systematic characteristics of this graceful and restrained beauty. But it must be pointed out that excessive euphemism is bound to slip into sweet greasy. Later freehand brushwork art is not only a supplement to materials, tools and forms of expression. In terms of aesthetics, it infuses coolness, fortitude and bitterness on the basis of sweetness and gracefulness. Five mixed feelings can correspond to the joys and sorrows, can exhaust the seven emotions and six desires, can bear all the emotions of human existence, art can become great.

    Works by sun zhigang


    Great art, like great love, must contain bitterness. Deeply influenced by Chinese aesthetics, zhigang's works reflect his aesthetic orientation of elegance and simplicity, stiffness and softness, strength and beauty, honesty and dexterity, with a reasonable and comfortable balance. That is, the situation is full of the sky, let people happy, and elucidation thoughts." Jade pot to buy spring, rain hut. Sitting in the middle of jia shi, right and left to repair bamboo. The more to ride, the more true knowledge, such as the endless, and the ancient for ", let a person praise, ponder!

    Works by sun zhigang


    Zhigang is usually busy with the work of the fine brushwork institute, and has to squeeze time to engage in creation, but he is always optimistic and cheerful, leisurely walk in art and life, free and easy. I appreciate that." According to virtue, according to benevolence, swim in art ", is also! In essence, everyone in life has his own aesthetic judgment, reflective ability, and is an artist. To combine work, life and creation organically is what a true artist looks like. A true artist needs to be composed of many aspects. He must be tempered by cultural accumulation, aesthetic cultivation, ideological ability, technology and so on. Only rooted in the secular life, to learn from life, little by little accumulation can obtain them.

    Works by sun zhigang

    有很多人只有点技术,便自像国王一样富有,明明一丝不挂,却感觉身披王袍。我们谁也无法摆脱世俗的生活,世俗的生活也是艺术灵感的源泉,平衡好二者之间的关系才能有更好的作品。所谓职业做艺术就像职业从事做人一样,让人困惑。志刚的速写作品能够集结成册,作为老朋友,我由衷地为他感到高兴,并致祝贺!希望他能够把速写与创作相连接,创作出更多更好的作品,我满怀期待! 李海林;中国传媒大学艺术创作院、院长、教授 。

    There are many people with only a little skill, and then as rich as a king, obviously naked, but feel like a king's robe. None of us can get rid of the secular life, the secular life is also the source of artistic inspiration, balance the relationship between the two can have a better work. The socalled occupation of art is like the occupation of human life, confusing. Zhigang's sketches can be collected into a book, as an old friend, I sincerely feel happy for him, and send congratulations! I hope he can connect sketch with creation and create more and better works. I am full of expectations! Hailin li; School of artistic creation, communication university of China, dean and professor.

    Works by sun zhigang Chinese painter sun zhigang



        本文标题:蕴藉拙朴 去伪存真-国画家孙志刚
