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Christian Israelite
Identity, Wisdom And Destiny
Published by The Israelite Network
All Rights Reserved ISBN 0-9669147-0-8
006 智慧的起源(3)
All of the classic myths, pagan gods, religions, and occult practices of all the nations of antiquity (Egypt, Babylonian, Asia, Aztec and pre-Columbian civilizations) are polluted forms of the original zodiac gospel.
All the gods of Greece and Rome were imported from Egypt, and then given Greek and Latin names. Therefore, they too are polluted versions of the zodiac gospel!
This knowledge was based on the gospel of the zodiac, which Ham taught to his descendants. Ham was the progenitor of the Egyptians and all the Africans. Ham had learned the gospel from his father Noah.
The Egyptians preserved the zodiac prophecies concerning Christ as the coming Deliverer and Redeemer in the legend of Osiris.
Osiris, accompanied by his disciples, performed many miracles. Later he was eventually crucified on the vernal equinox. He remained three days and nights to judge the dead, and he was then resurrected, and he ascended to heaven. As you can see, Osiris personifies the Christ that was to come!
The Egyptians also illustrated several Christian-like scenes on the walls of the temple of Luxor in which Horus is represented: The Annunciation, the Immaculate Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration.
The story of Horus, Osiris, and Isis was an imitation of the ancient zodiac gospel concerning the first and Second Coming of Christ, which God had taught to Adam.
Also, what we call Christianity today is nothing new. This knowledge was already prerecorded in all its details in the zodiac gospel, from the foundation of the world!
In America, a famous myth that also imitates and conceals the original gospel of Christianity is the story of Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl was described as an Asiatic man with brown-skin and wooly hair, and having supernatural powers. He practiced exorcism, healing, fasting (for forty days), and making miracles.
When Quetzalcoatl resisted the temptations of the devil, he was persecuted and crucified on the vernal equinox. Here again is another perfect example of how the original gospel, handed down from ancient times, had been concealed in a polluted form, as a myth.
All the nations had inherited the original gospel from the ancient ancestors.
Unfortunately they transformed and polluted it with false religion. And they replaced Jesus Christ with their own false gods, idols, and fake savior images.
Images such as Apollo, Prometheus, and Zeus of the Greeks; Buddha and Krishna of India; Fuhi of the Chinese; Zaha of the Japanese; Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans; Osiris, Isis, and Horus of the Egyptians; and so on.
Because all the false gods and religions have a common origin, deriving from the original zodiac gospel, upon close examination they are found to correspond to each other in almost every act and deed.
For example the nine gods of ancient Egypt correspond to the nine lords of the night found in the Mexican legends. Kwan Yin, the Chinese queen of heaven, called Kwannon in Japan, correspond to Isis of the Egyptians.
例如,古埃及的九位神与墨西哥传说中的九位夜神相对应。中国王母娘娘(Kwan Yin)在日本被称为观音,与埃及的伊希斯(Isis)对应。