The History of Philosophy|S01E76

The History of Philosophy|S01E76

作者: Rachel09 | 来源:发表于2019-08-24 15:37 被阅读0次


What Plato lacks above all, perhaps, is the Heracleitean sense of flux and change: 

he is too anxious to have the moving picture of this world become a fixed and still tableau. 


He loves order exclusively, like any timid philosopher; 

he has been frightened by the democratic turbulence of Athens into an extreme neglect of individual value; 

he arranges men in classes like an entomologist classifying flies; 

and he is not averse to using priestly humbug to secure his ends. 



His state is static; 

it might easily become an old-fogey society, ruled by inflexible octogenarians hostile to invention and jealous of change. 

It is mere science without art; 

it exalts order, so dear to the scientific mind, and quite neglects that liberty which is the soul of art; 

it worships the name of beauty, but exiles the artists who alone can make beauty or point it out. 

It is a Sparta or a Prussia, not an ideal state. 

And now that these unpleasant necessities are candidly written down, it remains to do willing homage to the power and profundity of Plato's conception.

[ 00’31” ] Heracleitean (赫拉克利特,公元前 540 年—前 470 年。主张“万物皆动”,“万物皆流”。他是当时希腊具有朴素辩证法思想的“流动派”的卓越代表。) 

[ 01’32” ] tableau (画面) 

[ 02’06” ] turbulence (混乱) 

[ 02’23” ] entomologist (昆虫学家)

[ 02’48” ] averse (反对) 

[ 02’56” ] humbug (欺骗) 

[ 03’21” ] old-fogey (守旧的) 

[ 03’35” ] static (静止的) 

[ 04’03” ] octogenarian (八十岁老翁) 

[ 04’06” ] octo- (八;章鱼) 

[ 05’21” ] exile (放逐;驱逐) 

[ 06’44” ] candidly (坦诚地) 

[ 06’57” ] do willing homage to (献上朝拜) 

[ 07’10” ] profundity (深邃性) 



      本文标题:The History of Philosophy|S01E76
