1 principle
2 sense of style
3 make your bed
4 解忧杂货铺
1 principle 2 sense of style 3 make your bed 4 解忧杂货铺
4月份 done:《见识》吴军、《独居的一年》约翰·欧文 doing:《未来简史》尤瓦尔·赫拉利 to do :《...
MarkIT!BecauseofI wanna read those book in one Month.Oh,O...
赶在17年还在所谓年初,列下今年的读书计划。 时间为一整年,每周一本书,以月为单位,每个月定下自己感兴趣的方向/类...
1 hour BGT watching 2 hours reading 2 hours teaching plan
Today’s Plan SKY’s drawing class. Books reading. Review t...
"Following Anthony, approach refers to theories about the...
"In order for an approach to lead to a method, it is nece...
花了一整天时间,半精读地读完了Brief history of language teaching部分。速度是有些...
本文标题:2018-09-01 Reading Plan