The Wisdom of Life 13: Fear is c

The Wisdom of Life 13: Fear is c

作者: 万里云罗一雁飞 | 来源:发表于2022-09-27 18:00 被阅读0次



Whenever people face a challenging situation, they are prone to worry and think about the worst of what could happen, because they are fearful.

But fear can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more fears people harbour, the more negative they tend to feel. Then, according to the law of attraction, they end up attracting the terrible things they fear the most. For example, someone might have an extreme fear of lack of money. This intense fear can gradually shift and program him into a poverty mentality, which then becomes a reality. Being afraid of poverty, he lives a miserly life as if he were stuck in poverty. When someone is afraid of love, he thinks he is doomed to be alone and lonely. This fear makes him needy and clingy. Even if he enters into a relationship with a perfect partner, he will be so afraid of losing his love that he will be full of suspicion, distrust and neediness, which will inevitably repel his partner. That is why fear is so dangerous and so poisonous.

When faced with a challenge, we worry about it too much and imagine all kinds of horrible possibilities. Instead of preventing them, we turn them into realities, because fear is a great example of counter-intuitiveness.

Our natural inclination toward fear is to resist it or distract ourselves from it to avoid what we fear most. The right attitude toward fear, however, is to face it head-on. We must face fear head-on and confront our greatest fears face to face. And when we do, we overcome our fears. The more we experience and face fear, the more we realize that all fears are just illusions. We create them to protect ourselves from dangers that may arise. But the more we fear, the more we avoid fear, the more fearful we become, and the more fearful we end up being, which is quite counterintuitive, because fear does not appear like an illusion. It appears like reality. But again, that's exactly what an illusion is. An illusion is an appearance that mimics reality but is not reality.

For example, how many times have you been afraid of something, but when you have no choice but to go through it, you find that your previous fear was unnecessary because things are not as terrible as you had imagined. Exams, injections, mothers delivering their babies, etc. are all the same. After you experience them, you realize that they are just so-so: A little discomfort at first, and then everything is fine.

The next time you face a challenge, think about how to prepare for it, take it step by step, avoid overthinking about the negative consequences, dive right into the fear and you will emerge on the other side as a stronger person. Never flee and never give up, as J. F. Kennedy said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself".





面对恐惧, 我们自然而然想避免所害怕的事情发生,于是就去抵制它或着选择逃避的态度。然而,对待恐惧的正确态度是直面它。我们必须进入恐惧之中,直接面对我们最大的恐惧。然后通过这种方式,来征服内心的恐惧。越是经历恐惧,越是正视它,我们就越能清晰意识到:所有的恐惧都是幻觉。它们是由我们的头脑所创造,以防止我们进入危险。然而,越是担心,越是回避恐惧,我们就会变得越胆小,越恐惧,这是非常反直觉的,因为恐惧似乎并非幻觉。它看起就像是现实存在。但话说回来,这正是幻觉的本质。幻觉是一种模仿现实的外观,但并非真正的现实。

例如,有多少次你对某件事情如此恐惧,但当你别无选择,只能去经历它时,你发现你之前的恐惧是多余的,因为事情并不像你想象的那么可怕。考试、打针、妇女生孩子,等等。 经历了这些之后,你会发现它们都不过如此:只有一点点不适,然后一切都好了。

下次,当你遇到挑战时,想想如何去做准备,一步步采取行动,与其过度思考负面后果,还不如挺身而上,一头扎进恐惧之渊,你会以更强大的姿态从另一头儿出现。永远不要逃避,永远不要放弃,正如约翰·肯尼迪所说,"除了恐惧本身,没有什么好怕的。 “



    本文标题:The Wisdom of Life 13: Fear is c
