the original great books of Osca

作者: 上善若水85 | 来源:发表于2015-01-22 10:12 被阅读219次

导读:惨不忍睹的烂片各有各的槽点,而高冷的奥斯卡提名影片却有着惊人的相似之处:诗一般的台词、无懈可击的故事架构、意犹未尽的观影感受…… 有了这些,得到小金人还会远吗?!为了能和小金人么么哒,导演们很爱从文学作品中找灵感。上周公布的第87届奥斯卡电影提名中,就有不少电影改编自小说或传记。啥?英语学渣看不懂英文原著?表怕,咱有中文译本!没看电影的小伙伴们,先看看书吧!

The Imitation Game


“The Imitation Game” looks to the men and one woman who worked on breaking the Enigma code during World War II. Inspired by the real life story of mathematician and cryptanalyst Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch), the film recounts how Turing and his team of code-breakers at Britain’s top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park raced against the clock to break the German’s Enigma code.

“卷福”在电影《模仿游戏》 中,化身天赋异禀的“计算机科学之父”艾伦.图灵,其演技大受好评,还有望冲刺今年奥斯卡影帝。这部斩获奥斯卡8项提名的传记电影改编自安德鲁.霍奇斯所 著的《艾伦.图灵传》。影片主要展现了图灵在二战期间和战友们一起破解德军通讯密码的故事。虽然影片中,图灵和女主的感情甚为微妙,但现实中,图灵是一名 同性恋,并因此遭到了迫害。“卷福”这次无意间又躺枪了……

The Theory of Everything


“The Theory of Everything” is based on the memoir “Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen”, written by Stephen’s ex-wife Jane Hawking. The film focuses on Jane Hawking’s courage and determination to support Stephen Hawking, who was diagnosed with a type of motor neuron disease when he was 21. His mind remains undamaged, but the disease has destroyed most of his voluntary muscle control.

提到霍金、想想高深的物理学, 你千万别以为这是一部烧脑大片。电影《万物理论》改编自霍金前妻简.王尔德的回忆录《飞向无限:和霍金在一起的日子》。人家讲得是两人的校园爱情好么!霍 金与简在剑桥求学时相爱,那时的霍金还很健康。21岁时,霍金被诊断出患有“渐冻人”卢伽雷氏症,简依然决定要嫁给霍金。

Gone Girl


Boy meets girl, girl is a secret sociopath, girl fakes her own death, and frames it on her unappreciative, cheating husband. It’s a story that captivated readers across the globe when Gillian Flynn’s suspense novel “Gone Girl” hit the shelves in 2012. The screenplay for David Fincher’s film was also penned by Flynn and remained mostly loyal to the bestselling novel.

婚姻究竟是不是爱情的坟墓?那 要看你爱的人有多不靠谱了。这部由导演大卫.芬奇执导的电影《消失的爱人》既温情又悬疑,是一部重口味的心灵鸡汤。影片改编自吉莉安.弗琳的同名畅销小 说,编剧也是作者本人。剧本在忠于原著的基础上,改编得相当成功。有兴趣的小伙伴们可以去比较一下。

Alice Howland, happily married with three grown children and a house on the Cape, is a celebrated Harvard professor at the height of her career when she notices a forgetfulness creeping into her life. As confusion starts to cloud her thinking and her memory begins to fail her, she receives a devastating diagnosis: early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Fiercely independent, Alice struggles to maintain her lifestyle and live in the moment, even as her sense of self is being stripped away.

《依然爱丽丝》是一部朱丽安.摩尔的“个人秀”,她再次凭借此片向世人证明了自己的演技。其能否斩获奥斯卡影后的桂冠,也成为了本届奥斯卡的一大看点。影片改编自同名小说,其中文译名 为《我想念我自己》,讲述了一位事业有成的女性患上早发性阿兹海默症后的故事。影片和原著都生动描写了阿尔兹海默症患者的生活。当记忆赶不上遗忘的脚步, 活在当下成为了生命的主题。



When Wild author Cheryl Strayed embarked on her 1,100-mile solo hike across the Pacific Crest Trail in 1991 following the dissolution of her marriage and the death of her beloved mother, she expected to face more than a few challenges. As she wrote in her memoir of the experience, Strayed encountered a rattlesnake, unsavory hikers and even a bear, but there was one truly terrifying moment that was far worse than all the rest.


Inherent Vice


From the sparking up of the first joint, Paul Thomas Anderson fills the screen with a hazy sheen of duplicity, romance and cannabis. The movie is "Inherent Vice" and it’s as intoxicating and engrossing as any feature film from 2014. It’s also the first Hollywood adaptation of a Thomas Pynchon novel — the reclusive force in literature few, if any, seem to understand. And like Pynchon’s work itself, Anderson’s "Inherent Vice" is best experienced, if not fully understood.

该片根据美国后现代主义代表作 家托马斯?品钦的同名小说改编。品钦的小说以晦涩复杂著称。导演保罗.托马斯.安德森更是将这种晦涩进行到底。难怪在北美首映后,《性本恶》被不少人吐槽 “气死人又让人看不懂”。影片讲述了洛杉矶私家侦探道格突然与多年未见的前女友重逢,并从她那听说了一桩离奇绑架案。道格于是鬼使神差地撞了进去……

American Sniper


Chris Kyle was considered one of the deadliest snipers in American history, with 160 confirmed kills to his name. His memoir, “American Sniper”, detailed his four tours as a Navy SEAL during the Iraq War as well as a life back home. Kyle was killed at a gun range in Erath County, Texas, in 2013. The suspect, identified by police as 25-year-old Eddie Ray Routh, is a veteran who served in Iraq and Haiti and who police say may have been suffering from some type of mental illness from being in the military.

《美国狙击手》获得了包括最佳 影片奖和最佳男主角奖在内的6项提名,上周末还打破了北美票房榜。不过也有人批评它是一部维护战争的影片。该片改编自美国著名阻击手克里斯.凯尔的同名传 记。克里斯.凯尔是美国海豹突击队狙击手,他曾四次前往伊拉克参战,共射杀160名敌人。2013年,凯尔在老家德克萨斯州被人枪杀,行凶者则是一名患有 创伤后压力综合症的陆战队员。



Angelina Jolie’s “Unbroken,” adapted from Laura Hillenbrand’s best seller, recounts Louis Zamperini’s harrowing World War II experiences. Having written her book, "Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption", over seven years of extensive research - including 75 phone interviews with Zamperini - Hillenbrand was called on to act as a consultant on the film.

由女神安吉丽娜.朱莉执导的影 片《坚不可摧》改编自劳拉.希伦布兰德的同名二战题材回忆录,被誉为“感动整个美国的励志巨著”。整个故事反映了二战前后主人公命运的起伏跌荡。作者劳 拉.希伦布兰德历时7年,对主人公路易.赞贝里尼进行了75次采访,大量翻阅资料,还原了一段尘封85年之久的记忆。

Still Alice




  • 我的名字叫清阳:Unbroken 这本书相当精彩,或者说主人公的经历相当让人难忘。还没看过电影,但是应该值得一看。

本文标题:the original great books of Osca
