

作者: 周柯楠 | 来源:发表于2019-06-15 06:45 被阅读6次


What a Father Says to His Child

世上的爱都以聚合为目的,唯独父母对子女的爱以分离为目的。Love in the world is for the purpose of convergence. Nevertheless,the love of parents for their children is for the purpose of separation.

孩子,时间过得真快啊,一转眼我已步入老年,而你即将远离,去开启自己的精彩人生。Child, how time flies. In a twinkling of an eye I have entered old age, and you are going away to start your own wonderful life.

所以,有些事情我必须早点跟你说才好。So, there are some things I have to tell you earlier.

我们总希望生活是幸福美好的,但总有一些事情,我们不得不去面对。We always hope that life is happy and beautiful, but there are always some things we have to face.

就像下面我将要跟你说的话,也许你不爱听,但我们都要勇敢地面对,不是吗?Maybe you don’t like what I'm about to tell you ,but we all have to face it bravely, don't we?

孩子,如今你长大了,独立了,今后无论你做什么,都要自己负责。Child,now that you are grown up and independent, you will be responsible for whatever you do in the future.

一个人成熟的标志,就是开始懂得对自己的人生负责。The sign of a person's maturity is to begin to understand that he is responsible for his own life.

你应该明白自己喜欢什么,想要什么,想过一个怎样的人生。You should know what you like, what you want, and what kind of life you want to live.

并朝这些方向去努力,才能走向成功,过上自己喜欢的生活。And only by working hard in these directions,can you achieve success and live the life you like.

可能有些事情你还不懂,你可以来问我。但我只能给你参考意见,不会替你做决定。There may be something you don't understand. You can ask me. But I can only give you advice. I won't make a decision for you.

最后的决定还是得你自己来做,因为最后的结果是你承担,而不是我。It’s up to you to make the final decision ,because the result is for you to bear,not me.


convergence [kənˈvɜːdʒəns] 聚合

separation [‚sepə'reɪʃən] 分离

nevertheless [‚nevəðə'les] 不过,然而

twinkle ['twɪŋkəl] (眼睛)闪烁

independent [‚ɪndɪ'pendənt] 独立的

responsible [rɪ'spɒnsɪbəl] 负责的

maturity [mə'tʃʊərɪti] 成熟

result [rɪ'zʌlt] 结果,后果

bear [beə] 承受,承担


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