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3.3 Special Application Update

3.3 Special Application Update

作者: N次方cs | 来源:发表于2020-02-17 09:47 被阅读0次

GreenSCOR replaced by SustainableSCOR

SustainableSCOR is based upon The Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) that are within scope of the SCOR model. 

The GRI Standards were chosen as a reference because GRI has created a common language for organizations and stakeholders, with

which the economic, environmental, and social impacts of organizations can be communicated and understood. 

The GRI Standards are designed to enhance the global comparability and quality of information on these impacts, thereby enabling greater transparency and accountability of organizations.

GRI Standards are free to use and are available to the public at - www.globalreporting.org/standards.

SustainableSCOR uses the GRI definitions and measures when dealing with the sustainability environmental topics (GRI 300 series topic-specific Standards). This approach is being used to help supply chain professionals gain visibility of the environmental topics that are in their supply chain network and value chain network, and enable them to model and manage these impacts. 

A value chain covers the full range of an organization’s upstream and downstream activities, which encompass the full life cycle of

a product or service, from its conception to its end use.

Only GRI metrics that are within the realm of supply chain management, sourcing, and managing the risk related to supply chain operations will be included in the scope of the SCOR model.

When the SCOR model uses an element that aligns with a GRI disclosure, the specific GRI disclosure number will be cross-referenced. 

Please note that the GRI reporting guidelines shall be followed when making any reporting claims by organizations.

SCOR 12.0 replaces GreenSCOR with an updated and expanded environmental accounting framework(SustainableSCOR) that is based upon the GRI Standards. Care should be taken when transitioning from GreenSCOR to SustainableSCOR.

The only metric that directly links from one framework to the other is Total Air Emissions. However,GreenSCOR’s definition was not as precise as the SustainableSCOR definition for Total Air Emissions.

Other metrics to pay close attention to are as follows:

The Carbon footprint metric from the GreenSCOR model is similar to GHG emissions, but not completely the same. 

SustainableSCOR, following the GRI Standards, has scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions.

Additionally, there are also emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

GreenSCOR uses a % recycled metric. Recycled and reclaimed definitions that are used in SustainableSCOR are very different than GreenSCOR and follow the GRI Standards.

GreenSCOR has liquid emissions. 

SustainableSCOR, following GRI, liquid emissions can be in the form of water discharge, hazardous or non-hazardous emissions.

GreenSCOR measures solid emissions. 

SustainableSCOR, following the GRI Standards, measures hazardous or non-hazardous emissions.






可持续SCOR在处理可持续性环境主题时使用GRI定义和措施(GRI 300系列特定主题标准)。






SCOR 12.0以基于GRI标准的更新和扩展的环境会计框架(Sustainable SCOR)取代Green SCOR。当从绿色scor过渡到可持续SCOR时,应谨慎行事。


然而,GreenSCOR的定义并不像Sustainable SCOR对总空气排放的定义那样精确。


Green SCOR模型的碳足迹指标与温室气体排放类似,但并不完全相同。Sustainable SCOR遵循GRI标准,适用范围为1、2和3温室气体排放。


Green SCOR使用了一个%可回收指标。在Sustainable SCOR中使用的回收和再生定义与Green SCOR非常不同,它们遵循GRI标准。

Green SCOR有液体排放。


Green SCOR测量固体排放。



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    本文标题:3.3 Special Application Update
