Students today expect a different form of teaching than their predecessors did 20 years ago, say high-performing universities in the teaching pillar of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The challenge for today’s institutions is to meet those expectations while improving how they teach.
This year’s top five in the teaching pillar remain unchanged from last year. The California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Oxford continue to jostle at the top of the pack for pole position in this pillar.
The teaching pillar takes a number of factors into account, such as the Academic Reputation Survey, the staff-to-student ratio, the doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio, the proportion of doctorates awarded to staff, and institutional income. But universities throughout the rankings appear to be asking themselves the same questions: how can institutions give researchers the support they need to be great teachers, and what resources and teaching innovations will do most to help students learn?
The ubiquitous answer is that teaching needs to be incentivised in the same way that research is. However, it is much easier to measure success in research than it is to judge success in teaching. Unlike teaching, research has concrete metrics, from productivity to citations, that can be used to gauge the quality of an individual as a researcher. The University of Michigan, which is ranked 20th for its teaching, has prestigious awards to recognise the excellent teachers on its campus. “We have awards for teaching that are highly promoted to signal to the community that this is as important an accolade as an endowed research professorship,” says James Holloway, vice-provost.
普遍的答案是,教学需要像研究一样得到激励。然而衡量研究成功与否远比判断教学成功与否容易得多,因为与教学不同,研究有自己具体的判断指标,从产出量到引用量,可用于衡量一个研究人员的素质。教学排名第20位的密歇根大学设有著名奖项用以表彰其优秀教师,该校副教务长James Holloway表示:“我们向教学优异的教师颁发奖项,这是在向外界说明,这一荣誉与教授获得研究性嘉奖一样重要。”
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