

作者: 一早吗 | 来源:发表于2018-06-05 06:15 被阅读9次

    Chapter 3 Escape (3)


    "That's where you're wrong, my friend, my friend," said a voice.

    Wilbur looked through the fence and saw the goose standing there.

    "You don't have to stay in that dirty-little dirty-little, dirty-little yard," said the goose, who talked rather fast. "One of the boards is loose. Push on it, push-push-push on it, and come on out!"

    "What?" said Wilbur. "You say it slower!"

    "At-at-at, at the risk of repeating myself," said the goose, "I suggest that you come on out. It's wonderful out here."

    "Did you say a board was loose?"

    "That I did, that I did," said the goose.

    Wilbur walked up to the fence and saw that the goose was right---one board was loose. He put his head down, shut his eyes, and pushed.The board gave way. In a minute he had squeezed through the fence and was standing in the long grass outside his yard. The goose chuckled.

    "How does it feel to be free?" she asked.

    "I like it," said Wilbur. "That is, I guess I like it." Actually, Wilbur felt queer to be outside his fence, with nothing between him and the big world.

    "Where do you think I'd better go?"

    "Any where you like, anywhere you like," said the goose. "Go down through the orchard, root up the sod!  Go down through the garden, dig up the radishes! Root up everything! Eat grass! Look for corn! Look for oats! Run all over! Skip and dance, jump and prance! Go down through the orchard and stroll in the woods! The world is a wonderful place when you are young.”

        "I can see that," replied wilbur. he gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down pushing, digging,and rooting. He felt very happy. He had plowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticed him. Mrs. Zuckerman was the first to see him. She saw him from the kitchen window, and she immediately shouted for the men.

    "Ho-mer!' she cried. "Pig's out! Lurvy! Pig's out! Homer! Lurvy! Pig's out. He's down there under that apple tree."

        "Now the touble starts, " thought Wilbur. "Now I'll catch it."


    The world is a wonderful place when you are young.




    1. come on:  used to tell someone to come in, over, up etc, usually in a friendly way


    例句:Come on in – I’ve made some coffee.

    2. give way: to break because of too much weight or pressure

    例句:The floor’s rotten and likely to give way.

    3. squeeze: to try to make something fit into a space that is too small, or to try to get into such a space

    例句:He had squeezed through a gap in the fence.

    4. chuckle: to laugh quietly

    5. prance: to walk or dance with high steps or large movements, especially in a confident way 昂首阔步

    例句:We used to prance around our bedroom pretending to be pop stars.

    6. stroll: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way

    例句:We were strolling along, laughing and joking.

    7. twirl: to turn around and around or make something do this

    例句:Couples were twirling around the dance floor.

    8. catch it: to be punished by someone such as a parent or teacher because you have done something wrong

    这个短语很容易被忽视(This phrase could be easily overlooked. ),catch it 是一种非正式的说法,意思是因做错事而受惩罚。


    1. sod: 草地,草皮。

    Do you still remember sop and sob?



