The education of Steven Spielberg was more off script than you might expect
Two talented scholars, Stacy Berg Dale of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Princeton economist Alan Krueger, used Spielberg's name two decades ago to describe a surprising aspect of their research on selective college attendance. They found that students admitted to choosy colleges but who attended less selective schools were doing as well financially 20 years later as were students who attended the selective institutions.
二十多年前,两位有才华的学者——安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会的史黛西·伯格·戴尔和普林斯顿大学的经济学家艾伦·克鲁格,用斯皮尔伯格的名字描述了他们在有关精英大学入学研究中的一个令人惊讶的发现。他们发现,被精英大学录取、却就读普通学校的学生,和就读精英大学的学生在 20 年后的经济实力相当。
Dale and Krueger were also surprised to find that many applicants rejected by selective schools did as well later in life as students who were accepted and attended. The researchers speculated that such students' strong sense of purpose made them successful, even if their favorite college said no.
They called it the Spielberg effect because they knew the famous director had been rejected by prestigious(与前面selective,choosy 同义) film schools at the University of California at Los Angeles and the University of Southern California.
Spielberg's grades were just too bad. He had a lot of C's at Arcadia High School in Phoenix and then at Saratoga High School near San Jose. He hated school. He had dyslexia(阅读障碍), then undiagnosed. He only wanted make films.
斯皮尔伯格的成绩实在是太差了。他先后在凤凰城的阿卡迪亚高中和圣何塞附近的萨拉托加高中就读,成绩有很多是 C 等。他厌恶学校,还患有在当时未被确诊的读写障碍症。他一心想的就是拍电影。
Yet he became THE Steven Spielberg. The energy and storytelling talent he revealed to his increasingly powerful mentors at Universal made the difference. He dropped out of college and didn't go back to complete work for his Cal State Long Beach degree until 2002.
但他还是成为了大名鼎鼎的史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格。他在环球影业的的导师一个比一个强大,而斯皮尔伯格向他们展现出的干劲和叙事才能则是他成功的关键。斯皮尔伯格从大学休学,直到 2002 年,他才回到加州州立大学长滩分校读完他的学位。
Few of us are as precocious(早慧) as Spielberg, but we eventually see intriguing possibilities. The Spielberg effect is good. At least it will get you up each morning knowing what you want to do that day.
重点词汇 script 不按照剧本
相关词汇:off(prep. 离开,远离)
例句:Keep off the grass.
相关词汇:script (n. 剧本)ʊnˈdeɪʃn/ n. 基金会
搭配短语:Red Cross Foundation
4.selective/sɪˈlektɪv/ adj. 选择性的,严格筛选的
相关词汇:select(v. 选择)
例句:We’re very selective about what we let the children watch.
5.attendance/əˈtendəns/ n. 出席,到场;上学
相关词汇:attend(v. 出席;定期去...)
搭配短语:attend a meeting/wedding
搭配短语:attend school
6.choosy/ˈtʃuːzi/ adj. 挑剔的,难伺候的
例句:He is very choosy about clothes.
7.financially/faɪˈnænʃəli/ adv. 在经济方面,在财务方面
词性拓展:finance(n. 财务)
搭配短语:personal finance
例句:He is financially embarrassed.他经济拮据
8.institution/ˌɪnstɪˈtuːʃn/ n. 机构,团体
搭配短语:medical/educational institutions
9.speculate/ˈspekjuleɪt/ v. 推测,猜测
例句:People speculate that the movie star will get married next year.
搭配短语:speculate on/about
例句:People all speculated on/about the reasons for her resignation.
10.prestigious/preˈstiːdʒəs/ adj. 有声望的,享有盛誉的
英文释义:very much respected and admired
搭配短语:a prestigious award/university
11.dyslexia/dɪsˈleksiə/ n. 读写障碍症
12.undiagnosed/ˌʌnˈdaɪəɡnoʊz/ adj. 未被诊断的
相关词汇:diagnose(v. 诊断)
例句:He was diagnosed as having dyslexia.
13.reveal/rɪˈviːl/ v. 显示,露出;揭露
搭配短语:reveal a secret
搭配短语:reveal the truth
例句:He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.
搭配短语:reveal sth. to sb.
14.drop out 退学,休学;中断做某事
搭配短语:drop out of the race
15.precocious/prɪˈkoʊʃəs/ adj.(儿童的行为能力)早熟的
16.intriguing/ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ adj. 非常有趣的,迷人的
词性拓展:intrigue(v. 引起某人的兴趣)
例句:The idea intrigued her.
例句:She has a really intriguing personality.
1946 年,斯皮尔伯格出生在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市。12 岁那年,斯皮尔伯格的父亲送给他一款袖珍摄像机,这让他从此走上拍摄电影的道路。大学时,斯皮尔伯格便确信了今后自己想要做的事,于是便休学投入电影拍摄。“大二的时候,环球影业给我提供了一份梦想的工作,所以我决定休学。我告诉过父母,如果拍电影这件事发展得不如人意,我会回来继续上学,然而事实证明它发展得很不错。”斯皮尔伯格这样说道。
2002 年,斯皮尔伯格在他 56 岁的时候重返校园读书,拿到了加州州立大学的学位。谈及在 50 多岁回校念书的原因时,这位大导演表示,他是 7 个孩子的爸爸,他一直向孩子们强调上大学的重要性,为了以身作则,便重返大学,为孩子们树立榜样。
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