

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-07-05 16:17 被阅读3次



    第六章标题就很好玩,The First Two Finders

    这是一个习惯用法,我们会常说the first two days, the next few weeks, the last ten minutes 等等而不是the two first days

    eg. I don't enjoy the first two days of the course.

    The very next day, the first Golden Ticket was found.

    这里very是强调,类似 I do like you .里的do一样

    The finder was a boy called Augustus Gloop, and Mr Bucket’s evening newspaper carried a large picture of him on the front page.



    Great flabby folds of fat bulged out from every part of his body, and his face was like a monstrous ball of dough with two small greedy curranty eyes peering out upon the world.



    He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel, which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray.

    The town in which Augustus Gloop lived, the newspaper said, had gone wild with excitement over their hero.

    这是一个extra information clause,也就是非限制性定语从句,在这里面We can use a prepostition before whom (for people) and which (for things)

    ∴to whom /with whom /for which

    eg. Fortunately we had a map, without wcich we would have gost lost.

    但是口语中我们会直接用who 来说人而不用whom,介词一般不提前。地点直接用where 取代介词+which

    ...and a parade was being organized in honour of the famous youth.

    这里刚好复习了豹豹才看到的词parade游行,它的例句是在游乐场(amusement park,funfair)里看到的。是那种娱乐活动舞狮子,迪士尼之类。而不是示威游行,示威游行是demonstration,罢工游行用strike就可以了。另:organize orgnise一个美式一个英式

    his mother had told the newspapermen.

    好像见到的新闻记者蛮多的,具体也没比对过。总之有pressman, journalist, reporter,newsman等等

    ...that’s better than being a hooligan and shooting off zip guns and things like that in his spare time, isn’t it?

    好吃总比做个小流氓好吧,hooligan更多用在足球比赛中。若说这种行为直接+ism就可以了哈哈哈。zipgun一般写在一起,是自制手枪。个人感觉应该是孩子们玩的带有危险性的钢笔 枪。下文还出现了一个强盗gangster(应该属于一个gang里的成员)以及rob a bank 犯罪的词汇也蛮多的,比如burglar(y),mugger(mugging),robber(y),terrorist(terrorism),vandal(ism)等等

    What a thrill it will be for him to visit Mr Wonka’s marvellous factory! We’re just as proud as anything!’


    最后一句另一版本是We're just as proud as can be!

    What a revolting woman.

    And what a repulsive boy.


    the whole world, seemed suddenly to be caught up in a mad chocolate-buying spree,这里面主要是有个生词,spree


    Fully grown women were seen going into sweet shops and buying ten Wonka bars at a time, then tearing off the wrappers on the spot and peering eagerly underneath for a glint of golden paper.

    were seen going有一种动态的感觉,说明这种事情一直在不断进行中。at a time是指一次,at the time则是指那时候。

    另外on the sport 印象太深了有没有,记得当时背新概念第一篇A Puma at Large里面有一句

    When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously

    当时课件上就讲到on the spot 立刻,马上(at once ,immediately)

    Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.


    Children were taking hammers and smashing their piggy banks and running out to the shops with handfuls of money.

    孩子们的举动也是很鲜活,也是略有些疯狂。孩子的小猪银行(money /savings box)其实就是存钱罐,我更喜欢扑满这个词。

    ...for a moment, it looked like the answer to everything.

    似乎解决了问题。the answer to 很地道的表达

    She was sitting between her beaming father and mother in the living room of their house, waving the Golden Ticket above her head, and grinning from ear to ear.

    这句话个人倒觉得没什么难点,主要是最后一句话让人想到了爱丽丝梦游仙境里的那只猫Cheshire cat,初次爱丽丝与其相逢就是这么笑的

    grin like a Cheshire cat形容人一般微带贬义

    You see, boys,另一版本为feller 你瞧,伙计

    I’m in the peanut business, you see, and I’ve got about a hundred women working for me over at my place, ...

    做什么生意in xx business

    at my place=at my joints

    And she would lie for hours on the floor, kicking and yelling in the most disturbing way.罗尔德大爷写得太生动了,简直就是目睹现场。

    “I’ve got it! A Golden Ticket!” And I said, “Give it to me, quick!”


    ‘She needs a really good spanking,’ said Grandma Georgina.


    ‘He spoils her,’ Grandpa Joe said. ‘And no good can ever come from spoiling a child like that, Charlie, you mark my words.’

    后期果然证明了爷爷的话,孩子是不能惯的。spoil 宠溺,熊孩子就是spoiled brat

    mark 就是曾一度流行的马克一下

    ‘Bring it in here when you get it,’ Grandpa Joe said. ‘Then we can all watch you taking off the wrapper.’

    here 与in here 的区别

    here refers to the place where the person is, and in here is more like the person in a room, somewhere indoors, or in a smaller space inside a bigger one




