You mustn’t be too disappointed, my darling, if you don’t find what you’re looking for underneath that wrapper.(题记)
第七章不长,真是欢天喜地(〃''〃)查理的生日到了,他这一年中唯一收到巧克力的重大日子(big day)。那他能在这小小的巧克力中寻到最后三张入场券的一张吗?
He was holding his present, his only present, very carefully in his two hands. WONKA’S WHIPPLE-SCRUMPTIOUS FUDGEMALLOW DELIGHT, it said on the wrapper.
The four old people, two at either end of the bed, propped themselves up on their pillows ...
词组prop up 靠着,架,搁
He ran his fingers slowly back and forth along the length of it, stroking it lovingly, and the shiny paper wrapper made little sharp crackly noises in the quiet room.
But there was one other thing that the grown-ups also knew, and it was this: that however small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance was there.
‘You’d better go ahead and open it up, or you’ll be late for school,’ Grandpa Joe said.
‘You might as well get it over with,’ Grandpa George said.
go ahead 干脆一点,直接做某事
might as well (may as well)是指should do sth. because there is nothing better to do and there is no reason not to do it.
A: What shall we do?Shall we walk?
B:We might as well. It's a nice day and I don't want to wait here for an hour.
You’re making me jumpy.你让我心惊肉跳的,jumpy坐立不安的, 提心吊胆的
The old people in the bed all leaned forward, craning their scraggy necks.
这一句好心酸,crane v.伸长脖子(像鹤一样)
(disapproval, mainly Brit )If you describe a person or animal as scraggy, you mean that they look unattractive because they are so thin. 骨瘦如柴的
Then suddenly, as though he couldn’t bear the suspense any longer, Charlie tore the wrapper right down the middle…
第七章很短,我们的小查理打开了巧克力,果然契合大家在期待之中却更多抱有不大可能的想法一样,只有一块美味的旺卡一级棒美嗖嗖巧克力。但谁知道呢,就像书里埋下的线一样,机会总会在那的。The chance had to be there.