

作者: _Phoebe | 来源:发表于2021-02-28 14:23 被阅读0次

I am a seventh grader in a school called BIPH, it stands for BASIS International School  Park Lane Harbor.

Basis is a very nice and popular boarding international school in China. It contains many high-level technology and teachers that have a lot of knowledge. Every student were nice and friendly to each other.

The school grounds are huge... there is three big teaching buildings and a sphere shape cafeteria. Boys and girls are separated into two dormitory. Each building have eight floors for students to live. For students are able to live in one room , and there were dorm parents that could help students to adapt to the boarding environment. Which is very good.

The position of the school is near the ocean(Park Lane Harbor).so the air and environment was very fresh and clean.it is also a very nice place for you to go on a holiday and visit.

Because of boarding, student were only allowed to go back home on weekends and holidays. But even through they are staying at school so long times, students are not bored.we have a ASA,which stands for after school activities.actually is the same as interest class that students have outside the schools.but you can choose which one you want to join.for example: there were soccer club,swimming club,Close designing club,Chinese tradition club......etc

Also, a very important things in the Park Lane Harbor that other bases school does not have the same, is that students I am not able to bring their phones to school.maybe students will not like that policy, but I think all that parents will be very happy.

As we say at the first, basis was a international school, that means all the teaching expect the Chinese class Will be teach using English.And students are not allowed to speak Chinese in academic buildings, or else students will get a stamp on there CJ(communicated journal).

In all, basis was a really nice International school in China.maybe you also want to come to learn And study here to improve your English and knowledge.

Basis is waiting for you!



