有句话是这么说的:“经典作品是那些你经常听人家说‘我正在重读......'而不是 ‘我正在读......'的书。” 很惭愧,自己读过的经典屈指可数,重读的就更不用提了。从小学到大学,自己似乎一直都在为考试成绩而学习,而忽视了读书二字本身的含义,以致于现在发现自己在无数方面都很无知。而有些书,年纪小的时候翻几页就不愿再翻,特别是外国名著,看着不那么顺畅的翻译版本就失去了读下去的兴趣,于是就这么蹉跎了无数年。工作后没有了“为成绩而努力”的压迫感,自己反而更愿意学习,看书也更有耐心去逐字看,哪怕看过后也未必记得多少。可是正如很多博学的人说过的,即便很多文字看过就忘,那些内容也已经在你身上潜移默化地起着作用。但愿这一点犹如神灵附体,把身心中的不清爽杂念统统驱逐出去,让每日的呼吸和精神气都比昨日清新爽朗一点。
1. Naturally I knew that people were inclined to say nasty things behind your back, but it was particularly exasperating to hear these three speak about everybody as though they themselves were the finest people on earth and had been appointed to pass judgment on all others. They envied most people, praised no one, and knew some unsavoury bit of gossip about everyone.
2. I had never owned toys myself, and while I outwardly treated them with contempt, I harbored a secret envy of those who possessed them.
3. It's a good thing when a boy and a girl become friends. Only they mustn't do anything foolish. And in the most simple way she explained to us what "doing anything foolish" meant. There was beauty in her words, and inspiration, aand I readily understood that flowers were not to be touched until they were full-blown, otherwise they would give off no perfume and bear no fruit.
4. If you had nothing to fear, you'd be left with nothing to boast of.
5. The forests are the gardens of the Lord. Nobody planted them but the wind—the Divine breath from out His mouth.
6. According to my observation, relatives treated each other worse than strangers. Knowing each other's weak and ridiculous sides better than anyone else, they spread worse gossip, quarreled and fought more often among themselves.
7. I was possessed by a fierce desire to go away somewhere people slept less, quarreled less, did not so insistently pour out their complaints to God or so often offend people with their harsh opinions.
8. "What you've never felt you never can sing."
9. Somehow I bear a particular love for the sun. I like its very name, the sweet sound of it, the rich resonance of it. I love to close my eyes and turn my face to a warm ray, or to catch it on the palm of my hand, when it thrusts like a sword through a crack in a fence or the branches of a tree.
10. “That's what I sent her to school for. How did the lady fair come by her golden hair? She got it from us, from the scum of the earth. Where else? The more you know, the finer you grow. God sent us into this world young and foolish, but He wants us to leave it old and wise. So it's up to us to study and learn things.” Everyone became silent when she spoke, listening attentively to her sure, flowing speech. They praised her to her face and behind her back, wondering at her strength and endurance and cleverness. But no one tried to imitate her.
“我送她去念书,就是为了这个。什么富贵姥爷,什么夫人太太,都是从哪儿来的?统统都是咱们这班土百姓出身的呀。还能有什么?学问学得强,前程就光明。上帝派我们到这世上来时,我们还都是傻孩子,可他却要求我们回去时都得是聪明的老人。这就是说,必须学习。” 她说话的时候,大家都沉默不语,用心倾听她那有条有理、信心十足的话。但是,没有人效仿她。
11. If they should ever stop shouting and passing judgment on people and making fun of them, they would turn into mutes, unable to speak at all, and quite unaware of themselves. In order to be aware of oneself, a person must bear some conscious relationship to others. The only relationship my employers knew was that of teacher and judge, and if a person brought himself to live according to their pattern, they would judge him even for that. Such was their nature.
12. I would marvel in silence. How could you ask a person what he was thinking about? And how could he answer such a question? A person thinks about many things at once--about what his eyes are beholding now, or what they beheld yesterday or last year, all the impressions vague and confused, in constant movement, constant change.
13. "Words, my little friend, are like leaves on a tree, and in order to know why the leaves are such as they are, you must know how the tree grows. You must study. Books, my little friend, are like a lovely garden, in which you will find everything that is pleasant and beneficial."
14. Now I appreciated what was meant by good books and realized how essential they were to me. They filled me with the calm confidence that I was not alone upon the earth and would surely make my way in life.
15. "Spit on it!" he said in response to my gratitude. "A game's a game--which means, just for fun. But you go at it like it was a fight. And you don't have to get hot even in a fight--fix 'em with a cool eye. What's there to get hot about? You're young; you've got to hold yourself in tight. Missed once, missed five times, missed seven times--spit on it! Step back. Cool off. Go after it again. That's how to play a game."
16. "Can't be helped, merchant! Nobody knows how he'll meet his end. Happens a fellow eats mushrooms and--phwit!--gone to his grave! Thousands of people eat mushrooms to their health; only one to his death. And what's a mushroom, after all?"
17. "People of their sort, wellfed and comfortable, feel like having a little fun sometimes, but it doesn't always come off--they don't know how. And that's only natural, being's they're the weighty, trade sort. Takes brains to trade, and you get bored living by your brains all the time; want to have a little fun."
18. "Here you are reasoning things out, and it's too early for you to do that. At your age it's not with your brains you should live, but with your eyes. In other words, see, and remember, and hold your tongue. Brains are for business; faith for the soul. It's a commendable thing to read books, but there's a limit to everything. Some people read so much that they lose their minds, and lose their God."
19. Later, after I had met many such people among the intelligentsia, as well as among simple folks, I realized that their persistence was nothing more than the passivity of people who had nowhere to go beyond the point already reached, and who, indeed, had no desire to go further, caught as they were in a tangle of obsolete words and outworn conceptions. Their will had become enervated and incapable of developing toward the future, and had they been suddenly emancipated, they would have rolled mechanically downhill, like a stone on a mountainside.
20. "If one has strength of purpose, a school gives good training. It's only the educated who are capable of budging this life."