如何削铅笔 | 荐文 2018 #16

作者: 东炜黄 | 来源:发表于2018-04-22 08:51 被阅读65次

《How To Sharpen Pencils》


《Working With Software Developers (9 Tips for Product Managers)》


Nothing sucks more than working for six months on something and seeing it fail (even if the org’s success theater says otherwise). It is suuuuper painful. You get to move on. THEY need to maintain the turd. Reflect on that. Kill some features :)

《5 best practices for getting modal windows right》


《How To Decide What To Build》

人人都想要一个 Idea,将 Idea 转化为产品、公司、事业。那 Idea 哪里来?这篇文章给了些好建议,例如(个人感觉比较适用):

  • 看看自己遇到了哪些问题。不是那种人生大问题,而是生活上工作上的小问题。人都是有共性的,在你身上发生的问题,往往也会发生在其他人身上。

  • 那些不断出现的想法。一个 Idea 往往过几天就会消失,如果消失了不再来,那说明 Idea 背后的问题还不够强烈。

《The Problem With Problems》

问题的背后总会隐藏着你意想不到的问题。因为 Functional fixedness(功能固着心理)的倾向性,我们又很难解决这些隐藏性问题。或者说,对已有经验的依赖,会限制我们用更创新的方式来解决问题。更可怕的是,通常,这些问题都要经过长时间的经历才能被暴露出来:

Not all problems are even instantly recognizable. Instead they only reveal themselves over time or through years of experience. This also means that many of these problems require a certain age and experience to even notice let alone understand. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the average age of a founder is 38 and with 16 years of working experience behind him.


来自《How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You)》

Your ego doesn't just want to be accepted; it wants to be admired desired and fawned upon ideally on a mass scale. More upsetting to it than being disliked is being ignored. It wants to be relevant and important and widely known.

更多荐文可以在 http://buildforever.xyz/ 看到。



    本文标题:如何削铅笔 | 荐文 2018 #16
