Ideas That Changed My Life | 荐文

作者: 东炜黄 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 17:22 被阅读62次

    2018 年最后一周荐文:

    🗞 荐文

    《Ideas That Changed My Life》

    作者:Morgan Housel

    我们总在寻求智慧,但是,当智慧到来,我们是不是又能理解和运用呢?作者 Morgan Housel 提到的几个改变他人生的几个 Ideas 就是这样的智慧。

    《The Machine Learning Race Is Really a Data Race》

    作者:Megan Beck & Barry Libert

    现在各种算法框架层出不穷,但是,没有独家、可用的数据集,自己要结合 AI 来给产品赋能又有什么竞争力?




    《We should replace Facebook with personal websites》


    文章作者说人们可以用邮件和个人网站来发布自己的生活动态,以代替使用社交媒体 Facebook,但 Jasode 的评论才道出了人们使用 Facebook 的真正原因:

    Where does the author get that idea? The majority of Facebook’s 2 billion users do not post to their profile feed. Instead, the FB account is mostly used as a way to passively receive content. Some of the content is from family and friends, and some is from media outlets (NYTimes, etc). Recommending “personal websites” is talking about a solution to a problem that most of the billion users don’t have. The way most people use Facebook is more of an RSS feed rather than a 1999 Geocities personal website. (But that doesn’t mean RSS readers can replace Facebook because that technology is missing a “real names” reverse directory lookup database.)

    💡 有意思

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        本文标题:Ideas That Changed My Life | 荐文
