
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-06-28 08:28 被阅读0次























1. To pursue a dream is to pursue one's own doom. On a street full of sixpence, he looked up and saw the moonlight.

2. I didn't know how contradictory human nature was at that time, and I didn't know how much contrived in sincerity, how much meanness in sublime, or how much virtue could be found even in evil.

3. I tried my best to live an ordinary life.

4. Writers are more concerned with understanding human nature than judging human nature.

5. The average person is not the kind of person they want to be, just the kind of person they have to be.

6. Some people say that disasters and tragedies can make people's nature noble, but this is not true; sometimes it is happiness that makes people take noble actions. In most cases, disasters and tragedies only make people narrow-minded and revengeful. .

7. Only poets and saints can firmly believe that hard watering on asphalt roads will bring up lilies.

8. "A woman can forgive a man for hurting him," he said, "but never for the sacrifice he made to her."

9. The vile and the great, the vicious and the good, the hatred and the love can coexist in the same heart without being mutually exclusive.

10. A woman can be crueler than anyone to a man who still loves her, but who she no longer loves; she is not only unkind to him, but she cannot tolerate it at all, she becomes a mass of irrational anger.

11. I think some people are born in a certain place can be said to be out of place. Chance throws them into an environment at will, and they always miss a hometown they don't even know where.

12. The Joker's lips are smiling, and his jokes are getting more and more hilarious, because he feels more and more unbearably lonely when he is funny.

13. Compassion is a rare skill, but it is often misused by those who know they have it.

14. Sometimes people wear masks so flawlessly that they even think that they are in fact the same person as the mask during the whole process of wearing the mask.

15. What is art? Art is the expression of emotion, and art uses a language that everyone can understand.

16. Remember that above the mundane material life, there is also a more fascinating spiritual world. This world is like the moon in the night sky above your head. It is not dazzling and releases a quiet and peaceful brilliance.

17. The most primitive nature of man is naked in front of your eyes, and you can't help but be afraid when you see it, because what you see is yourself.

18. In order to make life peaceful, a person does two things a day that he does not like.

19. I really can't stand the fact that women like to be magnanimous when their loved one dies. Sometimes I even feel that they do not want men to live too long, because they are afraid that the opportunity to perform this good show will be delayed too late.

20. If you think about your self-esteem when it comes to love, there is only one reason: in fact, you still like yourself the most.


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