68/70 豆苗写作:Last day of summer ca

作者: 悬崖上的小树 | 来源:发表于2017-07-29 10:06 被阅读24次

Today it was my last day of summer camp. Some activities were, capture the flag and whale watch.

Capture the flag is a team game, the rules are: all of the people are separated into two teams, each team has four items to hide. If the other team takes one of our items we have to tag the person who has the item. If we don't, then they get the item. If we do tag the person that has our item, they have to drop the item,give it back and run back to there team. When the game ends, which ever team has the most items win.

Whale watch is when you try to balance a board with people. It is very hard to  balance it. My team balanced it for 2 minutes and 26 seconds.

I had a lot of fun!



    本文标题:68/70 豆苗写作:Last day of summer ca
