What is a fire drill?
A fire drill is to practice what you should do when there is a real fire in the school or where you are. It is a thing that keeps you safe.
How to do a fire drill?
First the fire bell rings, it means a fire drill starts.
Next we line up at the backdoor, and the first person pushes the door open and holds it, and we all go outside.
Then we walk to the edge of the tarmac, and we stand quietly.
Afterwards our teacher has a folder to make sure that we are all outside. If we're all outside, then our teacher will hold up a green paper. If someone is not with us, our teacher will hold up a red paper.
At the same time, the principal walks around the tarmac, and he looks at the papers. If the paper is green, he knows that all the students in that class are outside. If the paper is red, he has to go into the school and find the student that is missing.
Finally if the fire is not real, the principal announces that the students and teachers can go inside. If it's real, we need to stay outside to keep safe.