
作者: 33娘口 | 来源:发表于2017-01-17 20:57 被阅读17次

As the saying goes,there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.Of course,in my mind,what I expect him to be or to do is not entirely like what he had done in the script.I have to say that Hamlet has noble quality.For instance,he is faithful to love and have a clear cut stand on what to love and what to hate as well as he gives equal weight to his servent and the courtiers and treats his servant as his friend.At this point,he set a good example to us.Besides,he is so clever that he feign madness(装疯)and act like an idiot(白痴,傻子)toprotect himself.

Nevertheless,he is also very foolish.Firstly,directing the troupe(戏班子)to replay how his uncle murdered his father and tempt(引诱)his mother to ascend(攀登)the throne in front of the current king is so unwise that he infuriated(激怒)Claudius,causing a fatal(致命的)disaster.Then he shouldn't impulsively(冲动地)assassinated(刺杀)the person who was peeping(偷窥).And he shouldn't return to Denmark after he successfully got rid of danger.All of these wrong actions contribute to his death.

If I were Hamlet,I would continue to pretend to be stupid to seek the best chance which I wouldn't be suspected or punished by those flattered ministers(阿谀奉承的大臣)after I killed him to protect myself.Or instead of returning to Denmark,I would rather go to the place where I should have been killed before I change the content in the file to ask the English king to treat I well and tell Claudius that he has followed his instruction.Having had a stable life,I would start to secretly recruit soldiers to beat Claudius in the help of Horatio.


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