What the world fear

作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-06-26 20:25 被阅读1次

    The most terrible thing in the world is the kind of persistent people. Only such people seem foolish, reckless and frivolous, but the world often respects such people because they can make the world different because of their efforts. Elimination will eventually be eliminated, and the lost fate will eventually be branded by the lost. When you are not strong enough to make everything seem natural, the world will not listen to any of your words, even if your voice is loud, your feelings are full, your dreams are exciting. Everything is worthless and meaningless. Everything that seems great is frivolous and without evidence.

    What the world fear

    I have no time to wonder whether I can stand on a certain road, whether I can achieve my inner vision. I had to bow my head and move forward in silence. I saw birds flying in the sky. I met clouds flying in the sky. I touched the cold air walking in the Himalayas. Others think that at some point in life there will be opportunities to change their destiny, so they wait quietly. How can people without a sense of historical mission be able to face all the hardships and misfortunes in life energetically and vigorously? Some people complain about the injustice of the God of Fate. Some people have been knocked down by the misfortune of life. Some people get up quickly and continue to fight when they are knocked down. The journey of life may not really be like Stalin said, from victory to victory.

    Who can imagine that a bullied person, when he is strong enough, will choose to bully others, without any regard for the past sad history. The Oriental people only have Chinese people who are really peace-loving countries. They are reluctant to bully others even if they are bullied by others.

    There is no need to hesitate about anything. The sun is always new in my heart. The road I have traveled and the scenery I have seen will slowly turn into the nerve of memory and thinking. I believe that the reason why people always reproduce their childhood when they are in danger is that they will eventually go back to the past. Although death to birth can not be regarded as a straight line of life, this fate will not change because of one's greatness.

    It's easy for people to go to the extreme end, thinking that life is like this or that, and forgetting the particularity of life course, everyone has his own unique life characteristics and clues. What kind of life journey is the most perfect, that is, those who strive to move forward at every node of life. Such people are worthy of respect, whether they are poor or rich, whether they succeed or fail, because they come to the world to make their lives holy.

    If I was worried ten years ago, then my worries still exist ten years later. The difference is that I am no longer so panicky and more stable. Does the crying man finally remain quiet? No matter how cynical you are, when you are faced with the call of death, all your exciting nerves will become extremely quiet, just like a person in a quiet house, a little noise in the house will become very loud.

    I have been deceived, and the deception is deep, I give others great trust, but others have brought me great harm. Do you think my heart will become numb or unusually cold? No, my heart is still hot, my heart is still quiet, simple and sincere. I believe the world is full of love. I won't hold my heart for a little pain and say my misfortune to everyone. I will laugh at the world, I will have love in my heart and temperature in my hands. If give me the right opportunity, I will strive to pursue the world of love, the charm of the world is more beautiful after my heart calms down.

    Arguing, I don't know if other people will, I will. The original intention that I haven't changed is that I love my parents, I respect my parents, and I want them to live happily for the remaining 20 years. I didn't look down on anybody because I had been looked down upon for a long time. If I did it according to the style of the world, how could my life become holy? If I lose filial piety to my parents in my life, then even if I get the whole world, then I am a naked lonely person without everything. My heart is already lonely enough. If I really enter such a world, my heart is a step closer to death, not a step, but completely occupied by death. The God of darkness will tear me to pieces and gather my flesh and bones in the face of the wind. I had no intention of returning, and I went farther and farther. If the human heart is not there, then everything will be lost. This transcendental formula of philosophy has completely appeared in the end of the era.

    What the world fear

    Underneath all the rich appearances hide all the evil and ugliness. The murderer should have sat in prison until death came because of his power and money. But he only sat in prison for two years and then came out. And she resumed her business, declaring herself innocent among the crowd, believing in the justice of the law. As the Bible says, the blood of the righteous will never escape the curse of death. Long ago, when I was about fifteen years old, I knew how impractical it was to base the human hand on so-called curses and to be considered a sign of weakness and cowardice. Then I grew up. I have seen and experienced firsthand what it is not to curse others. Jesus did not let God's messengers come to save him at the time of his greatest shame, nor did he curse those who killed him. What about me? I'm just a small vessel in God's hand.

    Isn't it great to think that God can show people the miracle of life through such beautiful and tiny dust as mine? What is the meaning of living? I always feel that this question must be taken seriously and answered well. So Chinese philosophers and writers have found the answer to this question. I don't know, but I do think it is necessary for us to consider this question from the perspective of science, art and religion. This problem is inextricably related to our three ultimate problems. What about me? How to explore the meaning of life, let my time mark to answer this sacred, profound question!

    I don't know if God in heaven would have laughed at me, because a philosopher said that when people think about God, they start laughing!

    What the world fear



        本文标题:What the world fear
