
作者: 晨曦_c503 | 来源:发表于2019-07-15 19:39 被阅读5次


How to escape the gravity of the earth and rush to you and lie in your arms and sleep

How can we get into your trajectory and shorten our distance

How can we dissolve into your eyes and flow into your heart, even for a moment of joy

The vast starry sky, where the lonely heary wanders

Get rid of the shackles of life, even if it takes billions of years to meet once

Turn into a meteor at the moment of falling, shining for meeting

Runaway souls roam in the sky, shut their breath, do not want to deviate from your track

You flll the way with bright lights, light up the flames, light up the way I came

Crossing the tunnel of time and space, don't open the hand that holds hope

Don't be afraid. You hold not Dnly hope, but happiness



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