阅读进度:Ch 6:Taking it to the Next Level & Ch 7:End Game — 全书完
Zappos 从 1999 年成立后的第九个年头,2008 年的金融危机也迫使他们不得不裁员 8%,之后虽然公司仍继续保持缓步增长,但红杉资本的投资理念和公司企业文化逐渐开始有矛盾,前者希望通过并购或者上市的方式将 2005 年投入的资本收益化,而 Tony 他们则是希望保持公司现有文化持续性发展。双方陷入僵局。这个问题再次让 Tony 吸取了教训,下回创业找资本融资时得仔细弄明白以下十个问题:
image.png最终和 Amazon 的并购解决了这个问题,算是三赢的局面:对 Amazon 的后续发展有利,对现在 Zappos 股东有利,更对 Zappos 员工有利。
Amazon was a win-win-win situation that made everyone happy: It was good for Amazon, good for our board of directors and shareholders, and good for Zappos employees.
虽然书里的这个过程较为轻描淡写,但参阅了写 Amazon 的这本 The Everything Store 书里 Ch 9 的内容,不难发现这个并购过程其实也是如其他商战一样激烈且残酷的。但好在这两家公司的整体理念还是较为一致的,都是以 “提供优质的顾客服务” 为目标,这一合并,在彼时的经济形势下,算是各取所需,彼此都能借对方之势更上一层楼。
Amazon focuses on low prices, vast selection and convenience to make their customers happy, while Zappos does it through developing relationships, creating personal emotional connections, and delivering high-touch (“ WOW”) customer service.
书的最后一部分,基于 Zappos 公司及 Tony 个人的终极目标都是为了 delivering happiness,所以作者以他所学习接收到的一些有关幸福和积极心理学的知识,结合他个人生活与创业经历,总结并分享给读者,所谓幸福不过三种状态:短暂的乐趣(pleasure)、一时专注的激情(Passion) 和因追求更高意义而带来的长久幸福感(Higher Purpose)。
Based on the findings of the research, however, the proper strategy would be to figure out and pursue the higher purpose first (since it is the longest-lasting type of happiness), then layer on top of that the passion, and then add on top of that the pleasure type of happiness.