#区块链从业者不需要睡觉#韩国广播媒体Block chain I

#区块链从业者不需要睡觉#韩国广播媒体Block chain I

作者: 347cc67da866 | 来源:发表于2018-11-30 15:07 被阅读4次



近期,韩国MonetToday区块链广播Block chain Insight对波场TRON创始人:孙宇晨(JustinSun)进行了专访。从照片看出宇晨都有黑眼圈了!#区块链从业者不需要睡觉#这句话不是吹的。不过还是请孙总注意身体。

目前韩国是TRON的第二大市场,占比15%。因此,韩国用户基本上占据了TRON用户群的40%。作为特邀采访,孙宇晨(JustinSun)在节目中提到了波场TRON目前的发展状况及未来的规划,同时也详细介绍了TRON网络的去中心化生态系统,以及2019年即将举办的niTROn Summit细则等。


主持人:这是代表韩国的MonetToday的区块链广播Block chain Insight。我是Ma Hong-il,非常感谢您同意今天对我们进行这次采访,请向观众介绍您自己。


主持人:因为是直播,不同于Youtube 和其他节目,所以我们将快速地进行问答,解答韩国公民们最关心的问题。第一个问题是:您认为TRON比起其他虚拟货币平台,它在主导市场方面拥有的核心优势是什么?



第二个是我们拥有非常庞大的用户群。现在TRON的用户数量比EOS多近20%。现在EOS 拥有400k用户群,而TRON拥有500k用户群;



我们推出主网已有140天,现在我们的每日交易量已经超过了以太坊。所以今天以太坊的日常交易是600K,今天我们达到了120万。所以这就是为什么我认为我们已经在每日交易量上超越了以太坊,所以TRON协议比以太坊更活跃,到今年年底,我们将达到1MM的用户群和5 M的日交易量,这将是以太坊的十倍。

主持人:Justin,非常感谢你对上一个问题的回答。第二个问题是您是否有特殊原因将区块链应用于娱乐产业? 我想知道为什么TRON专注于娱乐业务以及在该领域应用区块链的优势是什么。




我们将为TRON网络提供代币,以激励人们。所以,每个人都可以通过为生态系统做出贡献来获得协议内的代币。每个人也可以花费他们的代币来加速他们的下载。 这有利于使用者,也有利于行业的发展。


主持人:接下来我们将问您一些更具体的一些问题。我们知道自从5月31日TRON主网推出以来,开发出了15个DApp,拥有很多DApp是重要的,但更重要的是拥有一个绝杀性的DApp,简单来说就是拥有一个最著名和最重要的DApp。据此,您如何看待未来TRON的前景?孙宇晨:自我们的主网上线仅有4个月的时间,但我们完成了很多工作,开发了15个DApp. 第一类是线上游戏。就像我刚刚所说的那样,TRON Bet在一个月内达到了40亿的交易额,对于TRON网络的去中心化生态系统也运行地非常成功。

例如,TRX market是我们网络中新推出的分散式应用程序,其数额在4天内达到1亿TRX,我相信它在不久的将来会达到3亿或5亿TRX,因此,分散式在线游戏是TRON生态系统的最佳用户案例,并且在年底,Bittorrent将在网络上推出DApp,我相信这将成为整个行业的杀手级应用。所以我认为2019年初期是对区块链全产业非常重要的时间段。



Atlas和BitTorrent项目将有100 MM用户参与该协议,此外,凭借在我们的生态系统线游戏和DApp的蓬勃发展,2019年将是商业化的重要一年。韩国是TRON最重要的市场之一,我们希望在不久的将来让更多的韩国人看到TRON。







主持人:今天我们采访了TRON 的创始人孙宇晨,很多人知道TRON, 也知道现在市场并不乐观,所以会有人认为虚拟货币走到了尽头,仅仅是泡沫而已,但是根据金融市场的经验,有了暴跌和徘徊才会有大幅上涨的可能性,危机可以成为机会。根据与孙宇晨的对话,随着TRON的roadmap逐渐扩大,应用DApp获得成功和认可的话,我想这对虚拟货币整个产业会产生极大的积极的影响。



MC: So, hi Justin, this is from South Korea’s broadcasting firm Moneytoday.And thank you so much for agreeing to conduct this interview with us today.Please introduce yourself to the viewers.

Justin: Hi, everyone. Very nice to meet you. I am Justin Sun, the founder of TRON.

I have been doing this project for almost five years, can’t hear this part at all

I am very honored to be here today because Korea is also our second largest market in the world. The first is the United States, is occupied like 25%, and also the second is Korea, occupied like 15%. So basically the users in Korea occupied like 40% of the TRON user base.OK,Because this is a live streaming, which is different from the Youtube channel or any other form. So we will quickly have Q&A that Korean citizens are most concerned about.

MC: So please feel free to answer some of our questions.

So the first of our questions here is: TRON is a platform coin such as Ethereum or Neo as you know. So the question here is: What do you think is the core strength that TRON holds over all the other platform coins in this very competitive market?

Justin:Basically I think TRON has several advantages over the other platform coins

The first one is the speed. TRON is two hundred times faster than Ethereum. So basically it is faster in TPS (is transactions per second). TRX has almost 2,000 transactions per second, so compared to Ethereum it I like 20 TPS.

So basically everybody knows that Ethereum has the scalability problem but right now TRON is so much faster than Ethereum.  

That’s the first advantage.

Second one is that we have a very large user base. Right now TRON has almost 20% more users than EOS. For example, EOS has almost 400k users and TRON users right now are almost 500k.The third one is also that TRON is based on a very large decentralized network. We have already acquired BitTorrent. BitTorrent is the world largest P2P file transform protocol. So basically, it’s really effective to transform files from BitTorrent, so basically everyone can upload and download the files from the network. This network has already been running for 15years. And we also have a very large user base.It has almost 1 billion users all over the world and 100M active users In 138 countries.We also launched a project called Atlas. It will combine the TRON protocol with the BitTorrent protocol.We also bring 100 million users into the TRON network.

We have launched our MainNet for 140 days. Right now our daily transaction volume is already greater than the Ethereum. For example today the number of daily transactions of the Ethereum is 600K, and we have reached I.2 million for today. So that’s why I think we have already surpassed the Ethereum on the daily transaction volume basis. So that’s why I think TRON protocol is more active even than the Ethereum. For the end of the year, I think for our user base we will increase to 1M and daily transaction volume we will have like 5M daily transaction volume, which will be 10 times better than Ethereum.

MC: Justin, thank you so much for your answer to the previous question. Since this is a live show, we don’t have much time to hear your very precious answers. So we will be grateful if you can answer the following questions within 2 minutes each.Justin:Yes sure.MC: So the second question is: Is there a special reason for you to apply blockchain to the entertainment industry? I'd like to know why TRON is focused on the entertainment business and what the advantages are of applying blockchain in this field.

Justin:Thank you. So basically I always think that Online Gaming and the entertainment industry will be the best user-case for blockchain. I think also the data on the TRON network has already proved that. I can give you an example.One of the online gaming called TORNBet based on our network reached 4 billion bets in just like one month.So 4 billion that’s equal to almost 100 million USD that is made in one month, which is even better than most of the casinos in Las Vegas and Macao. So that’s why…  volume to the online gaming industry. Thank you.

MC: So we know that you have a lot of plans planned ahead of you. So we like to know what is the most notable, the most important schedule for TRON in the future?

Justin:Ok, sure. So basically the first thing we will do is the Atlas project.As I said before, Atlas project is focused on bringing TRON to the largest blockchain ecosystem with BitTorrent which is also the largest P2P file transform protocol in the world. We will put two protocols together. We will solve the incentive problem inside the BitTorrent protocol.

We will provide token into our TRON network as an incentive for people to build a private tracker inside this BitTorrent protocol

So everybody will earn token inside the protocol by contributing to the ecosystem. And everybody can also spend his token to try to accelerate their downloading.

It will bring 100 million users to the whole protocol. It will benefit themselves and also benefit the whole industry.The second thing we are going to focus on is DApp ecosystem(Decentralized application). We have developed many DAPPs after the MainNet launched. And we will keep on developing more DApps and reach a brand-new level. Mainly is focus on online gaming.Thank you.

MC: So we are going to ask you more specific detailed questions from now on. So we know that since the re-formation of MaiNnet of TRON on the 31st of May, 15 DApps have been made. And we know that having a lot of DApps is important, But the more important thing is having a killer DApp, so like something most famous and most important. So Based on this, what do you think about the prospects for TRON in the future?

Justin:Sure, so basically we have just launched our MainNet for 4months, but we already accomplished a lot. Right now I am sure that we launched 15 DApps.

One is online gaming, as I said before. For example, TRONBet has reached 4 billion bet transactions in one month. And another bet driven game has also reached 1 billion in a very short of time. Also for decentralized Dice, is also be very successful in the TRON network. For example, TRX market is our newly launched decentralized exchange in our network. The volume of this has reached 100 million TRX in 4 days. I believe it will reach 300 or 500 million TRX in the near future.So the decentralized exchange and online gaming is the best user-case for the TRON ecosystem.Also at the end of the year, BitTorrent will launch a DAppon our platform will also be the killer app for the whole industry. At that time we will reach So that’s why I think due 1 and due 2 in early 2019 will be the killing points for the whole blockchain industry.

MC:Justin, I am not sure if you realize this, but you do have a lot of fans in Korea, and your coin is popular in this Korean market. And what Korean fans are most curious about is when is TRON going to begin commercializing in the market. So when do you think will TRON commercialize in the market?

Justin:Yeah, I think, first of all, commercializing is very important for TRON protocol.I think 2019 is a big year for blockchain and TRON with our ecosystem and Atlas project.First of all, We will have more .. into Korea to make commercializing in Korea. And also, Atlas and BitTorrent project is coming with 100 MM users into the protocol. And also with online gaming and booming DApps on our ecosystem. So basically I think 2019 is a big year for commercializing. 

MC:Andi think Korea is the most important market for TRON, we will let more Korean people look at in the TRON in the future.

Justin:We heard that TRON is going to hold a TRON Summit in SF in January, and we would like to know more about this event.Yeah. Thank you. TRON will hold our first DevCon, is also called niTROn summit, on January 17 - 18, 2019 in San Francisco.It will be one of the biggest summits in the whole blockchain industry. And we will invite experts from many industries and blockchain projects, and also opinion leaders, founders, and influencers.

The summit aims to break down industry barriers, explore blockchain solutions, and share our visions of the future.I think it will be one of the biggest things in 2019.We will elaborate on our BitTorrent project and our recent TRON development.  And also all our decentralized apps and how to develop DApps on the TRON platform.So I am looking forward to seeing everybody in the TRON summit and hope you guys can enjoy the event.

MC:Thank youSo we will be attending the summit in San Francisco very soon.

Justin:Thank you so much for your time for today, and this is it for the interview.Thank you, everyone. Hope to see you in San Francisco!

MC:Today we interviewed TRON‘s founder Justin Sun.Many people know about TRON, and they know that the market is not optimistic now. So some people may think that cryptocurrency has come to an end, just like a bubble.However, according to the experience of the financial market, with the plunges and fluctuations, there could be a possibility of a sharp rise. Crisis can be an opportunity。According to the interview with Justin Sun, with the gradual expansion of TRON's roadmap and the success and recognition of DApps, I think this will have a very positive impact on the entire industry of cryptocurrency.

I am very grateful to Justin Sun for accepting our interview during his busy schedule. I hope that the audience has learned a lot.



    本文标题:#区块链从业者不需要睡觉#韩国广播媒体Block chain I
