经济学人|人类首次拍到了黑洞的影像(the unseeable)

经济学人|人类首次拍到了黑洞的影像(the unseeable)

作者: 英语沙塔电影英语学习 | 来源:发表于2019-04-27 17:45 被阅读0次





    What black holes do to the things around them is hard to miss. Matter hurtling into them atalmost the speed of light gives off all sorts of radiation, sometimes so much of it that it can be seen half a cosmos away. The black holes themselves, though, are another matter. They are, by cosmic standards, extremely small. And they are defined by having gravitational fields so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape them. That is why it is remarkable that an international team of more than 200 radio astronomers have, through years of painstaking work, actuallycontrived a glimpse of one.

    hurtle into(向某个方向)飞驰,猛冲【词组积累】

    at the speed of sth以……的速度【词组积累】

    give off释放出(气味、热量)【词组积累】

    all sorts of各种各样的,所有的。即various【词组积累】


    cosmos['kɒzmɒs] 宇宙

    by cosmic standards以宇宙的标准来讲。cosmic是cosmos的形容词。by……standards,即以……的标准而言。如by normal standards 按一般标准

    be defined bydefine熟悉意为“下定义”,这里的意思为“界定、明确”某。文中的词组the black holes are defined by having……,by后面跟的是主语的特征,即

    拥有引力场。故be defined by可以用来表述某样事物所拥有的本质特征,并且这个特征定义了这件事物或人。如he is defined by being too strict with other people他就是个对他人吹毛求疵的人。【词汇精析运用】

    through years of painstaking work经历多年艰辛的工作

    contrive[kən'traɪv] ~ sth.or contrive to do sth(克服困难)做成某事【词汇精析运用】

    a glimpse of sth一瞥



    The black hole in question is located at the centre of a galaxy 55m light-years from Earth called Messier 87, one of the largest and most luminous galaxies in the nearby universe. Astronomers have for some time suspected that it houses a phenomenally massive black hole—one 6.5bn times more massive than the Sun, and more than a thousand times more massive than the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy in which the Earth and Sun sit

    in question在谈论中的

    is located at the centre of【词组积累】

    位于。也用来表达某座城市位于……如This hotel is located at the heart of the city. 另外在表达把某个地点作为旅游,据点时可以用base in. 如base the new company in the city. 把新公司总部设立在该城市。《经济学人》19.02.23版《无人驾驶汽车》中也有用到该词:That, at least, is the conclusion reached by Voyage, a startup based in Silicon Valley

    at the center of 也可以表达为 at the heart of



    for some time有段时间


    phenomenallyincredibly, extremely, very相同。phenomenon是现象的意思,另外还有“杰出、非凡的人”,phenomenal了不起的,非凡的【同义替换】

    massive巨大的。mass是名词形式,意为“质量”,而the mass指的是the public 大众

    Milky Way galaxy银河系。milky乳白色的。维基百科解释道:The name describes the galaxy's appearance from Earth。或许从地球上看,银河㿠白的星系就和牛奶一样。

    sit坐落,处在。即the Sun and the Earth sit in the Milky Way galaxy【词义精析运用】



    The smaller the thing you are observing appears in the sky, the larger the aperture of the telescope you need to look for it. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) team put together one withan aperture the size of Earth by bringing together data from radio telescopes all around the world. Adding together the signals received by these various telescopes allowed them to synthesise an image as good as the one they would have got from single telescopes as large as the distance between any two of the dishes, though a great deal dimmer.

    the 比较级…… the 比较级:越……,越……

    the aperture of……的孔径,小孔。aperture['æpərtʃər] 【词汇积累】

    Event Horizon事件视界,即黑洞表面【科技类话题】


    radio telescopes射电望远镜

    synthesise合成。常用于化学物质的合成,比如synthesize ethyl pyruvate合成丙酮酸乙酯。文中synthesize an image即合成一张照片。比如说合成一张假照片to synthesize a fake photo【词汇积累】

    would have got虚拟句式would have done,文中表示假如有相同大小的望远镜的话,他们也会获得一张相同的照片。





    is located at the centre of【词组积累】

    位于。也用来表达某座城市位于……如This hotel is located at the heart of the city. 另外在表达把某个地点作为旅游,据点时可以用base in. 如base the new company in the city. 把新公司总部设立在该城市。《经济学人》19.02.23版《无人驾驶汽车》中也有用到该词:That, at least, is the conclusion reached by Voyage, a startup based in Silicon Valley

    at the center of 也可以表达为 at the heart of


    the aperture of……的孔径,小孔。aperture['æpərtʃər] 【词汇积累】

    synthesise合成。常用于化学物质的合成,比如synthesize ethyl pyruvate合成丙酮酸乙酯。文中synthesize an image即合成一张照片。比如说合成一张假照片to synthesize a fake photo【词汇积累】


    hurtle into(向某个方向)飞驰,猛冲【词组积累】

    at the speed of sth以……的速度【词组积累】

    give off释放出(气味、热量)【词组积累】

    all sorts of各种各样的,所有的。即various【词组积累】

    be defined bydefine熟悉意为“下定义”,这里的意思为“界定、明确”某。文中的词组the black holes are defined by having……,by后面跟的是主语的特征,即

    拥有引力场。故be defined by可以用来表述某样事物所拥有的本质特征,并且这个特征定义了这件事物或人。如he is defined by being too strict with other people他就是个对他人吹毛求疵的人。【词义精析运用】

    contrive[kən'traɪv] ~ sth.or contrive to do sth(克服困难)做成某事【词义精析运用】

    sit坐落,处在。即the Sun and the Earth sit in the Milky Way galaxy【词义精析运用】

    phenomenallyincredibly, extremely, very相同。phenomenon是现象的意思,另外还有“杰出、非凡的人”,phenomenal了不起的,非凡的【同义替换】

    Event Horizon事件视界,即黑洞表面【科技类话题】



        本文标题:经济学人|人类首次拍到了黑洞的影像(the unseeable)
