

作者: 英语沙塔电影英语学习 | 来源:发表于2019-02-10 10:38 被阅读0次

    本文节选自《经济学人》2019.02.02期,Science & technology版块中的一篇关于熊猫饮食生活习惯改变的报道。




    Pandas are not merely herbivores, they are monovores—eating bamboo to the exclusion ofalmost anything else. Dr Wei wondered when this transition to monovory happened. The answer was, far more recently than anyone had expected.

    merely仅仅。Not merely 不仅仅,后面可如原文一样直接加句子,也可以和not only 一样,后面接but also,表示不仅……,而且

    herbivores食草动物。Carnivore 食肉动物。Omnivore 杂食动物


    to the exclusion of把……除外。exclusion是排除,排斥的意思【写作推荐】词组积累


    far more recently than anyone had expected(对于这句话的理解,很多人可能会认为翻译为:比任何人预期的都更近。是近期发生的事)不过事实是:Something is expected or predicted to happen within a time frame, but it occurs at the beginning of the time frame not towards the middle or the end.


    "Global temperatures are predicted to rise by at least one percent in the next fifty years. However this level was attained last year which was far more recently than anyone had expected"(说明,在时间线上,far more recently than anyone had expected表示的是时间更早,而不是离现在更近)【疑难句】

    熊猫不仅仅是食草动物,他们也是“专食动物”—— 只吃竹子,其他几乎什么都不吃,魏博士想知道是何时出现的这样的变化。答案是,比任何人预期的时间都早得多。


    Past estimates of changes in pandas’ diets have depended on studies of their skulls and genes. The jaws of 4m-year-old fossils suggest that the ancestors of modern pandas were already by then eating a lot of tough vegetable matter. Analysis of a gene called Tas1r1, responsible for the taste sensation called “umami”, which detects glutamic acida common component of meat, tells a similar story. It indicates that selective pressures in favour of this gene started to relax about 4.2m years ago. By around 2m years ago, conventional theory has it, pandas had completed the transition to an all-bamboo diet. Dr Wei has, however, brought a third line of evidence to bear. This is the isotopic composition of the animals’ bones and teeth.

    depended on依靠,同义的还有rely on,或者count on

    tough除了困难的意思外,还有坚硬的意思,这里应该是后者。tough vegetable matter 坚硬的植物性物质

    were already已经是 + by then 那时,意为那时就已经

    responsible for为……负责,是造成……的原因。文中指的是基因对人体某种表现的掌控【地道表达】responsible for the taste sensation

    glutamic acid谷氨酸

    a component of是……的一个组成部分

    tells a similar story讲述了一个类似的故事,意指说明了同样的问题,情况也与此相似【地道表达】

    in favour of赞成,有利于

    has it (that)称……属实,说……是真的。比如 rumor has it that we’ll have a new manager. 据传,我们即将有一位新经理

    brought a third line of evidence to bearbring sth to bear (on sb/sth):to use energy or pressure to achieve sth or make sb to do sth. 即把精力用于完成某事或使某人全力以赴做某事。We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task,我们必须全力以赴不辱使命。



    You are what you eat

    Hydrogen apart, the most common elements in food are carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. Each of these has several isotopes (atoms of the same element whose nuclei have different numbers of neutrons with-in, and therefore different atomic weights). The two principal isotopes of carbon,12C and 13C, and of nitrogen, 14N and 15N, have different ratios in different plant species—and these ratios tend to be preserved in the tissues of animals that eat those plants. The isotopes of oxygen, 16O and 18O, vary in ratio according to the local climate.



    tend to往往,趋于【写作推荐】词组积累

    be preserved in被保存在【写作推荐】词组积累

    vary in在某方面不同,vary in color 颜色不一。可以替代is different in【写作推荐】词组积累




    Dr Wei studied carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the bones of a dozen ancestral pandas, dating from between 11,000 and 5,000 years ago, and compared them with those of modern pandas. The ancient animals had a wider range of 15N/14N and 13C/12C ratios in their bones than did the modern ones. That suggests they had broader diets. Oxygen isotopes collected from fossil teeth told a similar story. The ancient pandas had more variable 18O/16O values, suggesting that they lived in more varied environments than do their modern kin.

    a dozen一打,十二个

    dating from追溯到,date back to/date from the 17th century,可以追溯到17世纪【写作推荐】词组积累

    a wider range of更广泛的【写作推荐】词组积累



    Whether the fossil pandas in Dr Wei’s study were still eating any meat remains unclear. What is clear, however, is that they were not yet the obligate bamboo feeders which they are today, and that they were making forest fringes, subtropical zones and open land their home, rather thandwelling solely in bamboo forests. The question is, what made them change?


    feeders进食某种食物者,plankton feeders 以浮游生物为食者

    making some place their home把某个地方当作自己的家园

    swellingdwell 居住,栖身




    Dr Wei does not speculate. But there is one obvious possible culprit: the spread of Homo sapiens. Early Chinese history is shrouded in myth, but organised states clearly existed by about 5,000 years ago. Growing human populations could easily have displaced the ancestors of modern pandas to fringe areas where there was little to eat but bamboo. And if bamboo is all there is to eat, then those that prefer to eat it will be at an evolutionary advantage. The modern, bamboo-eating panda—symbol of animals under pressure from man—may thus have been made the way it is by precisely such human pressures.



    homo sapiens智人

    is shrouded in笼罩在,处于某种环境下的意思。Shroud 裹尸布,覆盖物【写作推荐】词组积累

    displace~ sb迫使(某人)离开家园to force people to move away from their home to another place

    fringefringe sth,形成……的边缘,the coconut palms fringe the beach 沿海岸边长着椰子树

    been made the way it is bybe made the way it is by,受……影响变成了现在的样子【写作推荐】词组积累



    to the exclusion of把……除外。exclusion是排除,排斥的意思【写作推荐】词组积累

    far more recently than anyone had expected(对于这句话的理解,很多人可能会认为翻译为:比任何人预期的都更近。是近期发生的事)不过事实是:Something is expected or predicted to happen within a time frame, but it occurs at the beginning of the time frame not towards the middle or the end.


    "Global temperatures are predicted to rise by at least one percent in the next fifty years. However this level was attained last year which was far more recently than anyone had expected"(说明,在时间线上,far more recently than anyone had expected表示的是时间更早,而不是离现在更近)【疑难句】

    responsible for为……负责,是造成……的原因。文中指的是基因对人体某种表现的掌控【地道表达】responsible for the taste sensation

    tells a similar story讲述了一个类似的故事,意指说明了同样的问题,情况也与此相似【地道表达】

    tend to往往,趋于【写作推荐】词组积累

    be preserved in被保存在【写作推荐】词组积累

    vary in在某方面不同,vary in color 颜色不一。可以替代is different in【写作推荐】词组积累

    dating from追溯到,date back to/date from the 17th century,可以追溯到17世纪【写作推荐】词组积累

    a wider range of更广泛的【写作推荐】词组积累

    is shrouded in笼罩在,处于某种环境下的意思。Shroud 裹尸布,覆盖物【写作推荐】词组积累

    been made the way it is bybe made the way it is by,受……影响变成了现在的样子【写作推荐】词组积累



