家有 picky eaters,如何破?

家有 picky eaters,如何破?

作者: 格紫英文 | 来源:发表于2019-04-03 21:24 被阅读24次



我是什么都吃星人,碰上一家子的 picky eaters, 简直是操碎了心。好了,这个话头就不继续下去了,说多了都是泪啊~


这是 Leo Babauta 写的,他家有八口人,八口人哪,可以想象的众口难调,难以想象的做饭难度!


1. We try to find things that the whole family likes that are healthy and tasty. That might mean veggie tacos, veggie spaghetti (with whole wheat noodles if we can get away with it), sushi bowls, anything they might all like.


2. Other times, we cook something less healthy that they would like, and either join them or cook our own meals (which we might make to last for a few days).


3. We often make a lot of food for the family dinner and then have leftovers for lunch, and possibly another dinner or two (like a big pot of soup or chili). If your husband doesn’t like the same dinner twice in a row, he might be open to having it again in a few days.


4. We talk to the kids and try to get them to explore foods they don’t always like. This doesn’t always work, though. But it’s worth an ongoing conversation. You might try this with your husband as well. It helps to cook the vegetables in different ways that make them tastier, just to get them to open up to it. For example, if they don’t like kale, they might enjoy kale chips (baked with olive oil to a crisp, with seasonings).

我们经常和孩子们聊天并鼓励他们去尝试平常不太喜欢的食物。 虽然这一招不一定有效,但值得时不时聊一聊啊。你丈夫的挑食问题,也可以试试这招。可以试着用不同的烹饪方法来做蔬菜,让它们好吃一点儿,能让他们愿意试一试就行。比方说他们讨厌羽衣甘蓝,那么他们也许会喜欢羽衣甘蓝条(涂上橄榄油烤到松脆,蘸点酱)。

5. Sometimes we cook a dish that has something one of the kids doesn’t like(mushrooms, for example), but we cook the mushrooms on the side, and allow them to leave off the mushrooms. This can get complicated but sometimes it’s not too hard.


6. If someone doesn’t like the dinner, they can just have a little of itand then make themselves a PB&J sandwich or grilled cheese or something. Our kids can cook simple things for themselves.


7. Finally, we get everyone involved in the meal planning. Everyone looks for meal ideas online. Vote on what to eat. Take one meal a week to cook themselves. If they cook it, they’re likely to eat it!



不过 Leo Babauta 提到的羽衣甘蓝 kale 确实是公认的健康食物界佼佼者。不只名字很美,这几年还红得发紫,据说这种“负热量食物”越吃越瘦,是超模明星的最爱。但我咋看着贼像路边花坛的 whatsit (又像花又像菜,不知道叫啥)。



    本文标题:家有 picky eaters,如何破?
