

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-02-19 00:09 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Previously on Boston Legal
    Pull the rabbit out of your hat. 帽子里跳出一只兔子(出其不意攻其不备)
    That's the secret of both trial law and life. 这就是生活和庭审的共同秘诀
    - Rabbits...- Yeah. - 兔子...- 是
    Christine Polley... Christine Polley啊...
    Ex-girlfriend tried to kill me. 前女友要杀我
    She tried to kill you. 她要杀你
    - She did. - And now she wants out. - 是的- 她现在要约你出去
    - She does.- Alan. - 是的- Alan
    - She's stalking you.- She tried to kill you, - 她在跟踪你- 她想杀你
    she was institutionalized,now she's out, 她本来在精神病院 现在出来了
    and she's stalking you. 她在跟踪你
    Freedom is a privilege, Mr. Shore, not a right. 自由是优先权 Shore先生 不是权利
    - A privilege.- Yes, and it's revocable, - 优先权- 是的 可取消的
    especially if you try to run someone over with an automobile. 特别是你想开车撞某人的时候
    I got my old job back. 我重操旧业了
    It's truly fantastic news, isn't it? Alan? 很好的消息 是吧? Alan?
    Yes. 是的
    Why aren't you helping me? 你为什么不帮我?
    Sally, I have a trial of my own Sally 从明天开始 我要上庭
    beginning tomorrow, a rather big one. 是个大案子
    But this is my very first trial. 但是这是我第一次上庭
    You've certainly been to court before, I have no doubt. 我相信你以前一定上过庭的
    Motion practice. This is with a jury. 以前只是做申请 这次有陪审团
    I don't, I don't think I'm ready. 我不觉得 我不觉得自己准备好了
    Sally... Sally啊...
    look at me. 看着我
    You trust me? 你相信我吗?
    I do. 相信
    And because you trust me, you'll believe what I'm about to tell you. 因为你相信我 就该相信我说的
    I will.
    That's all it is. 就是这样的
    All what is? 什么样?
    Trial law... 庭审...
    getting the jury to trust you 让陪审团相信你
    so they'll believe what you tell them. 让他们相信你说的话
    Really? 真的吗?
    Sincerity, Sally, Sally 是真的
    once you learn to fake that, there'll be no stopping you. 一旦学会这么做 就所向披靡了
    Denny, we've got... Denny 我们得到...
    What's going on? 怎么了?
    A little maintenance work, Paul. 面部小手术 Paul
    Wouldn't hurt you, by the way. You look like a prune. 不会伤害到你吧 你像个被修剪的树
    We have the Kaneb meeting in 15 minutes. 十五分钟有个Kaneb会议
    Excellent. Why do I care? 真棒 我为什么要在乎?
    You care because this is the construction project 你在乎因为这是个建筑项目
    that the entire firm has been working on for 18 months. 整个律所忙了十八个月的项目
    You care because Byron Kaneb cares, 因为Byron Kaneb在乎 所以你在乎
    and he expects you to be present. 他希望你出席
    Damn it, man, what have you done? 天呐 伙计 你干嘛了?
    The needle broke. 针坏了
    Not to worry, just let me remove it. 别担心 让我把它弄走
    Don't you touch me. 别碰我
    Mr. Crane, half the needle is still in your forehead. Crane先生 半个针头还在你前额上
    - Just let me remove... - You're not touching me! - 让我把它拿出来...- 别碰我!
    Get Dr. Michaels back down here. 让Micharels医生过来
    This is what happens when I let his kids cut their teeth on my head. 这就是我让他的人在我头上动土的结果
    - If I could just remove the needle...- Don't you touch me! - 如果我把针拔出来...- 别碰我!
    Denny, there's a needle in your head. Denny 你头上有个针
    Let him at least remove it. 至少把它拔出来
    Get me Dr. Michaels! 给我把Micharls医生找来!
    I really don't need a second chair for this. 我真的不需要副手
    Sexual harassment is a specialty of mine. 性骚扰案是我的专长
    - Mine, too.- No doubt, but while your experience - 也是我的- 毫无疑问 但是你的经验
    tends to be more hands-on, mine... 是亲身的来的 我的...
    tends to be more wishful thinking. 更像是在打如意算盘
    Not to mention, you ooze. 更何况你有弱点
    I ooze? 弱点?
    Yes, that certain something that subliminally champions misogyny. 是的 你潜意识里讨厌的女人
    You need me. 你需要我
    Lori, Lori啊
    as much as I may want you, desire you, even, 即使我想要你 甚至不能离开你
    I do not need you. 但我也不会需要你
    See that right there? 看见没?
    Ooze! 弱点!
    When can I dig my hole? 我什么时候可以开工?
    We're almost there, Byron. 我们就快解决这个问题了 Byron
    Don't tell me we're almost there, Paul. 不要告诉我就快了 Paul
    We've been almost there for six months. 我们已经停在这儿半年了
    When will we be there? 我们什么时候过这个坎?
    City council agreed to the variance for the golf course on Monday. 周一市议会同意了高尔夫球场的分歧
    Now today we're expecting an answer 现在我们等
    from the redevelopment commission for the outdoor mall, 重建发展委员会批准户外商场
    and my sources say they're gonna rule in our favor. 我的线人说 法令有利于我们
    What about the damn E.P.A.? 那环境保护署那边呢?
    The blue spotted salamander just got downgraded 上周蓝蜥蜴由濒临灭绝物种
    from endangered to hreatened last week, 被降为处于灭绝物种
    so the marina looks like a go except for... 看来码头有希望了 除了...
    Except for what? 除了什么?
    It seems there's a river where some salmon spawn. 似乎有条河是鲑鱼产卵的地方
    Evidently, there's some environmental lawyer who's making a stink. 显然 一些环境法律师已经开始叫嚣了
    When you say stink... 叫嚣是什么意思...
    He got a T.R.O. 他们有临时禁止令
    A fish? 一种鱼?
    My city's being held up by a fish? 我们市要被一种鱼拖垮吗?
    We are meeting the lawyer today. 我们今天去会会那些律师
    We will make it go away. 应该可以解决问题
    Do you plan to contribute, or are you simply assigned to mop up the ooze? 你想出点力气 或者是做收尾工作?
    Alan. Alan啊
    Hello. 你好
    Christine Pauley. 我是Christine Pauley
    Oh, I've heard so much about you. 喔 久仰大名
    How are you? 你好吗?
    Fine, thank you. 很好 谢谢
    - If you'll excuse us, we're due in court.- Yes, I know. - 如果你要道歉 上庭再说吧- 是 我知道
    I'm opposing counsel. 我是对方律师
    I beg your pardon? 什么?
    What do you expect me to do? 你希望我做啥?
    I expect you to disqualify her. This is tantamount to stalking. 希望你吊销她的资格 这等于设陷阱
    She got herself assigned to this case because I'm on it. 因为我接了这个案子 她也来接这个案子
    Not to mention, as an officer of the court, 更不用说 作为一个上庭人员
    I question whether Ms. Pauley even has the capacity to trial case. 我质疑Pauley小姐是否有能力上庭
    She was released from a mental facility last week. 她上周刚从精神病院出来
    Certainly, counsel, if you wanna conflict out... 确实 律师 如果你想回避...
    I can't conflict out. 我不能回避
    I'm the only one who knows the case here. 我是这里唯一了解案情的人
    - Ms. Colson was simply put on... - Ms. Pauley, - Colson小姐只是简单地装作...- Pauley小姐
    what's going on? 到底怎么回事?
    Of all the cases to start off with, 所有的案子
    you pick one against an ex-boyfriend you tried to kill? 偏选了你想杀的前男友接的案子?
    Actually, your honor, I didn't pick it. 实际上 法官大人 我没有故意接这个案子
    - My firm came to me.- Please, Christine... - 我的律所找到我- Christine得了吧...
    because I used to date Mr. Shore, 因为我以前是Shore先生的恋人
    they thought I could shed some light 他们觉得我更了解
    on some of his procedural eccentricities, which I did. 他的手段 我也确实是
    Since I also happen to have extensive 而且 我也对性骚扰的案件
    experience in sexual harassment law, 有很丰富的经验
    the senior parers asked me if I would first chair, I agreed. 资深合伙人希望我接这个案子 我就答应了
    - We start at 11 A.M.- Your honor... - 十一点开庭- 法官大人...
    Mr. Shore, if you wanna conflict out, do so. Shore先生 如果你想回避 就回避吧
    But I have no legal basis to disqualify Ms. Pauley. 但是 我没有法律依据撤销Pauley小姐的上庭资格
    May I speak with you alone, Alan? Alan 我能单独和你谈谈吗?
    No, you may not, Christine. 不 不行 Christine
    And if you choose to be on this case, 如果你接了这个案子
    please conduct yourself at arm's length and on the record. 请光明正大别耍小花招
    It's just coincidence to you your first case out of the hospital. 只是巧合 你出院的第一个案子就碰到我
    I consider it a preposterous coincidence, 我在想 怎么有这种巧合啊
    you have no business trying a case. 你根本没资格上庭
    - But truth be told, the partners think - I know you better than your partner. - 但是 事实是 合伙人认为- 我比你的合伙人更了解你
    - How sad, you can't be happy for me.- I'm not happy. - 多可悲啊 你竟然不为我开心- 我不开心
    Clearly. 看得出来
    Well, that seemed perfectly normal. 呃 看起来很正常啊
    The D.A. offered three months suspended. 地方检察官提出缓刑三个月
    I think we should take it. 我觉得这个很合适
    Does it go on my record? 会记到我记录里吗?
    - Well, yes.- The answer's no. - 嗯 会的- 我不要
    - Ramone...- I didn't do it. - Ramone啊...- 我不
    I didn't take that wallet. 我没偷钱包
    And as a matter of principle, I won't pretend that I took it. 原则是 我不能假装我偷钱包了
    They have an eyewitness. 他们有目击者
    Look here, I might seem like some court-appointed charity case, 虽然我接受的是法庭派来的援助律师
    but I'm an honest man. I don't steal. 但是 我是个诚实的人 我没偷东西
    And I won't agree to any plea that says otherwise. 我不同意任何辩解
    Mr. Seymore. Seymore先生
    Hi, Sally Heep. 你好 我是Sally Heep
    I'm in litigation at the firm. 我在律所工作
    I know that. 我知道
    - You in court today, or...- No, but you are. - 你今天要上庭还是...- 不 但是你要上庭
    I'm here to observe your work, Ms. Heep. 我来观察你的工作 Heep小姐
    Good luck. 好运




