
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-06-26 09:18 被阅读0次















1. Life is like a piece of clothing. If it is dirty, it needs to be wiped. If it is broken, it needs to be repaired, but at least you have to wear clothes.

2. The first blow was pure tension, shaken by an urge of jealousy, but the fact that it hit the heart has been destroyed.

3. The more outstanding a great man is, the more he can recognize his own inadequacies.

4. Marriage is hard work, it is life, including the labor and sacrifices of life, but these sacrifices are to be shared.

5. I don't want to curse you, she suddenly stood up. You are just a child, God bless you! She went downstairs and shut herself in the house.

6. Ambition is as valuable as capital! Capital is to be eaten, ambition is to be eaten!

7. The love bought by money is more moving than true love. True love is often a quarrel like a sparrow. It is inevitable that the real fire will hurt harmony; making fun of quarrels is very itchy.

8. Our heart is like an emotional mine, love is gold, hate is iron.

9. Barbarians only have feelings, and civilized people have both thoughts and feelings, so it can be said that there are not many impressions in the minds of barbarians. He puts himself completely under the control of the emotions of the time, and civilized people use their thoughts to suggest these emotions. The civilized man has infinite objects of concern and infinite affections, while the savage can only concern himself with one affection at a time. Because of this, the child can temporarily defeat the parent and gain an advantage, but once the child's wishes are fulfilled, the conditions for the advantage are removed. However, this is still the case in hominids.

10. In a way, this man is like a grumpy child, like any race that is born savage, not really civilized in itself, but suddenly joins the ranks.

11. Hobbies can give people incredible power, so that generally motivated people, Deng Tuzi and other people who enter the magical road will have wonderful performances from time to time.

12. Miss, my benefactor will never be ugly to me; I have feelings, but I am not yet thirty.


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