“内紧外松” 比特币监管再起风云

“内紧外松” 比特币监管再起风云

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-02-28 20:05 被阅读4次



Tighter crypto regulation in the cards for China

China plans to further tighten supervision ofcross-border flow of cryptocurrencies [加密/虚拟货币跨境流动] such as Bitcoin, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.

[1]crypto: ”一词起源于希腊语kryptós,意思是“隐藏的”或者“秘密的”。 神秘动物学(Cryptozoology)专门研究未知或传闻中的动物,而加密学( cryptography )是研究隐藏的或秘密的著作,等等。

其它词汇:cryptochannel 密码信道

cryptoanalysis 密码分析  Cryptobiidae 隐鞭虫科

cryptobiotic 潜生的; 隐生宇宙  cryptocenter 密码中心

Cryptocerata 隐角亚目  Cryptochaetidae 隐毛蝇科

Regulators are planning toscrutinizethe Chinese bank and online payment accounts of businesses and individuals suspected offacilitating trades on offshore cryptocurrency venues,people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

The accounts' owners couldhave their assets frozenorbe blocked fromthe domestic financial system, Bloomberg said.

The measures are designed to cut off one of the few remainingavenues[2]for Chinese citizens to buy digital assets.


最基本的意思是“街,大街”,英文解释为“used in the names of streets in a town or city ”。比如“第五大街 Fifth Avenue”,“沙夫茨伯里街 Shaftesbury Avenue”;

另一个意思是“〔尤指通向大房子的〕林荫道”,英文解释为“a road or broad path between two rows of trees, especially one leading to a big house”,所以“林荫道”可以表达为“a tree-lined avenue”;

最后它还有个引申意义,也就是本文中采用的意思:“方法,途径”,英文解释为“a possible way of achieving something ”。如“总统想探索一切途径实现该地区的和平。”可以表达为“The president wants toexplore every avenue towardspeace in the region.”,“研究人员有许多途径可供选择。”可以说成“There are many avenuesopen to researchers.”。

The Chinese government hastoughened regulationoverBitcoin and other digital cryptocurrencies to rein[3]in (控制)financial risks, with exchanges closed and trading halted.


rein通常用作复数,最普通的意思是“缰绳”,柯林斯解释为“Reins are the thin leather straps attached around a horse's neck which are used to control the horse.” 如“Cord heldthe reinswhile the stallion tugged and snorted. ”可译作“当那匹牡马使劲挣扎,打着响鼻的时候,科德勒紧了缰绳。”

有时候媒体报道中会用这一词表示“执政; 掌权”,英文解释为“Journalists sometimes use the expressionthe reins or the reins of powerto refer to the control of a country or organization. ”比如“他决心要确保该党继续执掌政权。”可以表达为“He was determined to see the party keep a hold onthe reins of power.”。

跟rein有关的短语有两个,一个是“give full/free rein to sb”,意思是“给 (某人) 充分的自由(尤其是工作上)”,柯林斯解释为“If you give free rein to someone, you give them a lot of freedom to do what they want. “如“The government continued to believe it shouldgive free rein tothe private sector in transportation. ”可译作“政府继续认为应该给私营运输部门充分的自由。”

另一个短语是“keep a tight rein on sb”, 英文解释为“If you keep a tight rein on someone, you control them firmly.”,表示“严格控制”。如“她的父母目光短浅而又固执地严格控制着她”可以表达为“Her parentskept her on a tight reinwith their narrow and inflexible views.”。

Last September, authoritiesordered a ban oninitial coin offerings andshut down all virtual currency exchanges in the country, as the rapidly expanding market, attracting both innovators and scammers,spawned[4]concerns over financial risks.


spawn作名词时为不可数,表示“(鱼、蛙等的)卵”,柯林斯解释为“Spawn is a soft, jelly-like substance containing the eggs of fish, or of animals such as frogs.” 如“her passion for collecting frog spawn“表示”她对采蛙卵的热爱“。

作动词时表示“(鱼、蛙等)产卵”,英文解释为“When fish or animals such as frogs spawn, they lay their eggs. ”如“...fish species like salmon and trout which go upstream,spawnand then die. ”可译作“...像鲑鱼和鳟鱼这样的鱼类会洄游、产卵,然后死亡。”

此外,它作动词还有个引申意义:“使大量出现/产生;酿成/引发”,英文解释为“If something spawns something else, it causes it to happen or to be created.” 如“Tyndall's inspired work spawneda whole new branch of science. ”可译作“廷德尔有创见的工作发展出了一个新的科学分支。”;又如“新技术创造了大量新的商机。” 可表达为“New technology hasspawnednew business opportunities.”

China Daily reported earlier this montha package of measuresto further restrict ICOs-an activity to raise fundsakin to[5]an initial public offering, and cryptocurrency trading both domestic and overseas, is being prepared by the People's Bank of China, the central bank and other financial regulators. It is expected to be launched when"conditions are ripe".

[5]akin to



    本文标题:“内紧外松” 比特币监管再起风云
