
作者: 茉莉jasmine2028 | 来源:发表于2018-12-20 11:21 被阅读5次


This week TOPIC, the meaning of travel

Recently, I was watching a documentary about my trip, and I had a lotof feelings about it, so I had the topic of traveling.I'd like to hear yourideas about traveling.

In fact, like Joseph, I seldom travel, but the difference is that hehas no extra money and no time,but go to school, while I have to go to work,and the main reason is that I haven't experienced the pleasure of traveling, soI have no plan to travel.Just think about it.

So Joseph and I only have a literal understanding of travel. We knowthat travel means so much to us, but we lack practice.

In fact, I also want to travel, like to travel, I like to see differentthings, so I will be hungry to learn.After watching the documentary of thetrip, I found the reason. Before I went to travel, I went with others. I wentto yunnan, xiamen, shenyang and Harbin, but I didn't do any strategies.

So my next plan is to change my thinking habits, prepare for everythingwith heart and feel with heart, so that I think I really fall in love withtravel.

The documentary tells us to travel with love and courage, to feel thewarmth of the world, to experience different lifestyles, to find differentbeauty, these are the meaning of travel.But I prefer to listen to you talkabout the different feelings in the trip, is not the same thing, differentexperiences, because before my trip is feeling is not deep, I didn't go to thenorth in the winter, the only feeling I is the soil is dark, it is wide.special thick wall and window, and then they store door is rotating, everythingis unique, just because the climate, and living habits.

In shenyang I went to the world expo park, there were beautiful tulips,the park is very human built wooden hammock.

When I went to yunnan, I experienced a lot of different customs ofethnic minorities. I learned that the people who dress up to take pictures ofyou in the scenic spot are not friendly at all. They only care about the moneyin your pocket.To feel the beauty of the ancient town, also feel the beauty ofgesang flower, see the difficulties of different life.

xiamen, that is coastal city before, unlike shenzhen that kind of urbanarea wants so long to the seaside, often crowded, but xiamen won't, there islong coastline to be in living area over there, unlike shenzhen most isundeveloped sea area.Xiamen university, the most beautiful university, go tovisit must make an appointment,and stand the queue so long, because it is beautiful,so there are always a lot of people.

These are just a few of the things I've seen and left behind after mytrip.What about you?












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