

作者: 佳期之玥 | 来源:发表于2019-07-23 22:19 被阅读0次

              他是小学英语教坛的常青树,这么多年一直活跃在教育一线,总是能给老师们带来令人震撼的课堂。他的教学,一直被模仿着,却从未被超越!他不单自己勤于学习,勇于实践,善于反思,更重要的,他还是一位乐于无私分享的导师。他就是田大师,几年前在网络上观看他的课例如沐春风,如今再次观看仍然收益多多。今天所观课例是田老师的经典阅读教学The bad driver.


    The bad driver

    John was driving on the way to work. He was late, so he wanted to pass the car in front of him. A woman was driving in front of him. John was a little angry because she was driving slowly and wouldn’t let him pass.

    John pressed the horn, baa-baa, baa-baa. He hoped that she could hear and let him pass. The woman didn’t hear him. He was driving near her car. Oh, my God! She was looking in her car’s mirror, putting on make-up.

    “You, woman! Putting on make-up while driving! How dangerous!!” John said to himself. He was very angry. Suddenly, the woman’s car stopped. John nearly bumped into her car. How dangerous!

    John was very scared. He dropped his shaver into his cup of coffee. The coffee was now all over his leg.“Women are bad drivers!”John said angrily“They shouldn’t drive cars at all!”



    1、课前和孩子进行简单的英语会话,了解孩子是否会唱If you are happy这首歌,课件显示:Welcome----欢迎同学们,也欢迎听课老师们。

    通过3-2-1,Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night; Hello, How are you? Nice to meet you. Bye-bye等方式,完成课堂组织活动。

    2.呈现教师个人信息卡。一边呈现一边作简要介绍。Look at the picture. That is Mr. Tian. He is the most handsome man in the world. Yes?然后,在照片的边上呈现四个信息点:John, 1996, drive, sing组织学生针对这四个信息点进行思考、提问.

    引导学生输入信息——Your English name is John.You were born in1996.Mr. Tian likes driving.

    教师补充说明:Yes, I like driving and I drove here from Shunde yesterday afternoon.引出Sing a song.组织学生唱:If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hand.这首歌。但是,当唱完第一段之后,教师及时调整歌词内容。将常规的stamp your feet, shake your body, say horay等等,改成了:wash your face, drink some coffee, shave your beard, look in the mirror, put on make-up等。这样,复杂的词汇教学,在简单的歌曲演唱和动作展示中顺利完成了。



    1.通过课件,呈现一幅帅哥开车的图片。介绍帅哥是John.然后,组织学生用一分钟快速阅读文章的第一段,并回答两个问题:1.John was driving on the way back home, wasn’t he? 2.Was John happy? Then how was he? Why?

    2.在第一次阅读活动结束之后,组织进行第二次阅读活动。---阅读文章的第二、第三段。但是,教师有意识的设计了一个活动,让学生根据第一篇章的情况,讨论、猜测:What did John do next?在这一环节中,教师组织学生进行小组讨论,同时通过板书简笔画的方式,画出一条公路和公路上的两辆车。让学生积极思维、大胆猜测、顺利表达。

    3.安排进行第三次阅读。---再次阅读第二、第三段,然后回答下面的问题:1)What was the woman doing? 2) How was John? 3) What did the woman’s car do?通过这三个问题的回答,除了解决文本理解的问题之外,进一步学习下面词汇与短语:looking in her car’s mirror, putting on make-up, suddenly, nearly, bump into her car等等。

    4.组织进行文章最后一段的阅读,回答以下两个问题:1.What was John doing? 2.The woman was not a good driver. What about John?这两个问题文本中并没有直接给出答案,所以,在组织学生独立阅读完毕之后,迅速组织小组活动,让学生们在合作、交流、分享的氛围中学习。


    在这一环节中,老师安排同学们与同伴交流分享一个你知道的关于不良驾驶的故事,并说说怎样才能做一个好的驾驶员。同时,通过课件的方式,呈现了以下单词作为辅助。on the way to,am/is --- was,are --- were,go ---- went,come --- came,drive--- drove,drink--- drank,bump into撞车,bumped into,smoke–smoked吸烟make a telephone call打电话






