关于我这个 "创始人" ‖ Qi-Sin

关于我这个 "创始人" ‖ Qi-Sin

作者: 依依煜兮 | 来源:发表于2019-04-16 21:13 被阅读8次

文〃图/Qi 小雨  【原创】


复盘,就是大大方方面对过往,面对昨天…… (这是我的介绍页面,文字附后)

A Founder of Qi-Chinese ......

Qi came to the United Arabic Emirates 20 years ago when she was assigned with a Chinese government project, and has been working and living in the country since then.

In her role as a leader trainer, senior translator and consultant, Qi has experienced culture and language gaps between Arab world and China in international business environment. As many other businessmen, she faced many difficulties in terms of communication over years of her experience in business and product development, sales and marketing, global sourcing and purchasing. This encouraged her to establish QiChinese Global Communication center.

A Post Graduate degree in Masters of International Business (MIB) combined with years of hands on  experience at  several multinational  enterprises  related to supply chain management, global sourcing and business development allowed Qi to develop competencies to provide world-class Chinese language training / translation and cultural awareness coaching in international business environments.

Qi possesses an indepth knowledge of Chinese culture and literature gained while earning Bachelor of Fine Art Painting and a Diploma of Chinese Literature. Qi has over 15 years of experience teaching Chinese to foreign students. She developed a unique method for learning Chinese pronunciation easily, one of the most difficult aspects of language learning for most foreign students. She designed a tailored program and uses interactive teaching style welcomed by companies and individuals.

Qi also has founded a nonprofit event Dubai China Night that leverages an online platform of Meetup.com to create an opportunity to Dubai’s Chinese language and culture enthusiasts to get together to learn Chinese culture and etiquette as well as to practice speaking Chinese language. It is designed as a monthly theme event combining gala dinner and networking.

361°英语工作室创始人,资深国际贸易顾问,英汉翻译语言培训师。澳洲卧龙岗大学商学院(迪拜)国际贸易硕士,旅居迪拜20余年,多年海外跨国公司工作经验。曾在国外创建中国语言文化中心 Qi-Chinese,提供对外汉语培训及中英文教学。对中国人怎样学习英语和教学尤其独特的方法和见解,课堂上强调的30%的知识学习,70%的实战练习,以应用为目标。其自幼习画,文学艺术融贯中西,将英语艺术完美融合一起玩。

整理于 2019.04.16



    本文标题:关于我这个 "创始人" ‖ Qi-Sin
