今天这篇推送接着上一篇:翻译思路拆解 | 高考人物特写:小镇做题家刘嘉森
He’s been sensitive about material life since he was a child. He remembers when he moved to Zhuozhou City when he was a 3-year-old — the house was around 120 square meters, but the only decent furniture was a tube TV and a set of EZ chairs sent by relatives. The white paint on the ceiling and walls made him feel like he was “living in an empty home.”
“家徒四壁”是说一个人很穷,有很多表达,比如as poor as a church mouse, utterly destitute。在这段话中,在大量关于家里环境的描写之后,“家徒四壁”除了要表达出穷,最好还能体现“家”、“壁”的感觉,和前面的“墙壁上的白色涂漆”有所呼应:living in a empty home。
Your work isn't really up to the mark.
I must go and make myself presentable before the guests arrive.
There isn't even a decent table in this room. 这屋里连张像样的桌子也没有。
He first became aware of class differences in junior high school. Some of the students from wealthier families in his class stuck with Liu because of his good grades. In Hebei, Liu says, where academic competition is fierce, having an “educated” friend is the “dignified” thing to do. So Liu and more affluent children mixed together, and his dinners and karaoke sessions didn’t cost him his own money.
“在一起”,stick with, hang out with, stay with, mix with。
Associate with sb.和get/be mixed up with sb.也可以表示和谁玩在一起,但一般是跟不太好的朋友厮混,这里并不合适。
“有面子”,和之前说到的“体面”意思很接近,decent, dignified。
He realized that the cheers were just to save him some embarrassment.
a diplomatic dose of flattery,在这里也刚刚好用。
diplomatic的意思是:dealing with people politely and skilfully without upsetting them讲究手腕的,灵活变通的
dose: dose [dəʊs ]:an amount of something that you do or experience at one time, especially something unpleasant一次,一番,一回〔尤指不愉快的经历〕
这句话的上文是说,这个学生到了大学里做自我介绍,很自豪地说自己是高考状元,一时间无人回应,过了很久才有人鼓掌叫好,然后他发现这不过是人家情商高,a diplomatic dose of flattery是也。
“和富家子弟混在一起”,我不是看不起学渣,但是这里可以用刚才说到的associate wtih, get/be mixed up with,因为主语是刘嘉森嘛……
But as a consequence, his ranking slipped from among the top 100 in his grade to below 800. When he saw the ranking, Liu was stunned. He recalls thinking, “No matter how much they play around, their families will prop them up. But I have no one to prop me up.” He needed to work hard to climb back. The higher he could climb, the safer he’d be.
加强普惠性、基础性、兜底性民生建设 ... and ensure that public services are inclusive, meet essential needs, and ensure basic living standards for people in difficulty.
强化兜底保障 ensure that the basic needs of the poor population are met
保基本、兜底线、建机制 to build up a basic safety net; ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need; and make relevant institutional arrangements
刚才例句里有个cushion就很好用:~ (against sth) something that protects you against sth unpleasant that might happen 起保护(或缓冲)作用的事物
His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems. 他的积蓄好比一个舒适的垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。
动词词组prop up, support也可。
Now, on most days, Liu wears the same plaid shirts he did in junior high school. But, when he first started his lecture tours, he says his appetite for material possessions increased exponentially. At the time, he’d buy 10 outfits online in one breath, and put the ones that didn’t fit in a closet, too lazy to return them.
物欲,material desire, desire for material goods, appetite for material possessions;
急速膨胀,除了用“增长 (v.) +急速 (adv.)”的组合外,也可以用“膨胀”做动词,swell with 表示充满了……,swell with an appetite for material possessions。
“一口气”,at/in one go, in one breath;
“懒得退换”形容主语“他”的状态,因此用形容词做状语,too lazy to return them。
During his sophomore and junior years, Liu Jiasen was squeezing time and stretching his efficiency to the fullest — just like at Hengshui High School. At his busiest, he had to speak four days a week at eight different schools. During this time, Liu says he changed.
把效率拉满,stretch可表示:[ VN ] to make use of a lot of your money, supplies, time, etc. (大量地)使用,消耗,stretch his efficiency to the fullest/to the limit, be fully stretched as it is。
When he graduated from high school, he “couldn't speak well,” he says, but now his voice booms, and he can speak for four or five minutes without stopping. He’d treated his roommates to dinner and bought them so many gifts that his friends in the dorm jokingly called him “Boss Liu.” He prefers this to “No. 1 Scholar Liu.”
“抑扬顿挫”,用“他”做主语,speak in measured tones;用“声调”做主语,intonation is cadenced;作状语的话,with rise and fall in cadence/voice。
“次数”不必照着翻译,转为“许多、经常”,often treat his roommates to dinner, buy them many gifts。
“请客吃饭、给室友买礼物的次数也多起来,同寝的朋友笑称他为“刘总”。”这两句话之间有一个因果关系,因为经常请客吃饭买礼物,所以人家才叫他刘总。翻译的时候可以把这个逻辑关系给体现一下,so + adj. +that从句,表示太……以至于……。
But as his next lecture tour approaches, Liu is conflicted about the students he’ll address. He often wonders if he should tear the veil off their illusions and help them accept the truth of this world.
“陷入纠结”,conflicted adj. confused about what to do or choose because you have strong but opposing feelings 因心理冲突而不知所措的
也可以认为他此刻陷入了一种两难的处境,一方面是听从公司安排打鸡血,另一方面是在想要不要告诉学生这个世界的真相:face a dilemma, be in a dilemma。
“脱离幻想”,刘嘉森做主语的话,separate the students from illusions, 译者用了一个“撕去面纱”的表达tear the veil off。如果用学生做主语,abstain from。
Forsake illusions for reality
Of the people, by the people, for the people 民有,民治,民享。
a new change on the model, 这种模式出现了新变化。
out of interest,出于兴趣,依随喜好。
out of the dilemma,摆脱困境,走出困境。
under market pressure,迫于市场压力,受市场压力的影响。
Milder slowdowns have scared the government off the path of prudence before.以前经济增速放缓幅度没这么大时,政府就吓得舍弃了审慎之路。