

作者: 何弦Chords | 来源:发表于2021-01-05 15:54 被阅读0次

焦虑 (anxiety) 的源头

首先,我把焦虑(anxiety)和其他负面情绪(negative emotions)归为一类,而这些负面情绪的源头是恐惧 (fear)。而我们要认识到,焦虑和外界环境的关系并不大,重要的是我们对待外界事件/环境的态度。这种态度是我们的潜意识的思维习惯(paradigm)。焦虑来临时,表面上看是某件事导致了焦虑,实际上,是我们面对这件事的情绪,这个情绪来源于我们过往的潜意识思维习惯。改变焦虑最根本的办法是改变我们的思维习惯(change paradigm)。

改变固定思维模式(How to change paradigms)

Any thought you continuously impress upon your subconscious over and over becomes fixed in this part of your personality. Fixed ideas will then continue to express themselves without any conscious assistance until they are replaced. There are only two ways to alter paradigms. The first is through an emotional impact; that would be comparable to an enormous mental shock to your system. And, rather than wait for a positive emotional impact, I would highly recommend you rely on the other method and that is through constant, spaced repetition.


  1. 经历巨大的情绪变化
  2. 通过重复

因为我们很难自主控制得到积极的情绪变化,我们可以主动做到的是通过重复把某一种积极的思维强制加入自己的大脑。可以立即实践的方法: 聆听自我肯定语(affirmation )(Youtube Affirmation Video) 每天8小时坚持90天。 (一般持续2天就有明显的效果。)


告诉自己 “When I feel stressed out, I’m going to do a three-minute breathing exercise.” 而不是 玩手机。(关于社交网络的文章见数字极简主义:你在使用手机还是手机在操纵你?)

The cue of “I’m bored” or “I’m stressed” is still going to be there. But you can replace your response to these triggers with something positive and productive. For example, tell yourself: “When I feel bored at work, I’m going to take a walk around the block.” Or “When I feel stressed out, I’m going to do a three-minute breathing exercise.” Five Steps To Break Your Social Media Addiction

  • 每一次当负面想法进入大脑时,把它替换成一个积极的想法或者一个你想要实现的梦想。
  • 冥想 (headspace)
  • 写下你焦虑什么? 恐惧什么? (对于某件事情焦虑,如果选择逃避就会让自己更加焦虑,如果选择直接面对这件事去行动,才会让焦虑消失。)
  • 起身走一下
  • 运动
  • 收拾房间


  • 与其把自己的状态从焦虑 (anxiety)转向平静 (calmness),更简单的是从焦虑转向激动 (excitement) 。

Instead of saying to oneself: “I am freaking out about what is going to happen next week,” say to yourself: “I am so excited to see what happens next!”

  • 焦虑是一个正常现象,焦虑说明你在跳出你的舒适圈,你在认真地活着。

Sartre does not deny that the need to keep making decisions brings constant anxiety. He heightens this anxiety by pointing out what you do really matters. You should make your choices as though you were choosing on behalf of the whole of humanity, taking the entire burden of responsibility for how the human race behaves. If you avoid this responsibility by fooling yourself that you are the victim of circumstance or of someone else's bad advice, you are failing to meet the demands of human life and choosing a fake existence, cut off from your own 'authenticity'.


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