No.31 彼得罗·隆吉 | 题材多为上流社会生活

No.31 彼得罗·隆吉 | 题材多为上流社会生活

作者: 经典油画 | 来源:发表于2019-05-14 00:12 被阅读1次

Pietro Longhi


意大利, (1701-1785)


—— By ArtYouhua


The Concert,1741

风俗画在18世纪的意大利不太盛行,人们虽然对卡拉瓦乔(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)的艺术表示赞赏,但像他创作的那样的风俗画作品已不起他们的兴趣。但在威尼斯却产生了一种专门描绘上流社会生活的风俗画,它的代表人物是乔万尼·巴蒂斯塔·提埃波罗(Giovanni Battista Tiepolo)的同代人——彼得罗·隆吉。

A Fortune Teller at Venice,1756


Clara the Rhinoceros,1751


The Tailor


Fall of the Giants,1734

Fresco in San Pantalon in Venice, Scene: Holy Martyr, fragment,1744-1745

A nobleman kissing lady's hand,1746

A Visit to a Lady,1746

The Letter,1746

Rhinoceros in Venice,1751

Masked Party in a Courtyard,1755

The Charlatan,1757

The Family Concert,1760

The Masked Visitor,1760

The Lion's Cage,1762

The Venetian Family,1760-1765

The Awakening for hunting,1765-1770

Portrait of Bishop Benedetto Ganassoni,1774

The Tooth Extractor

The Alchemists

Early Morning Chocolate

Portrait of Francesco Guardi

Preparing the Polenta

Visit to a library

Women Sewing

The Washerwomen

The Hunters Drawing Numbers

The Sagredo Family

The Spinner

Lady at the Dressmaker

The Perfume Seller

The Dancing Lesson

Hunters Shooting at Ducks

The Seller of Fritters

The Confession

The Happy Couple

Friars in Venice

The Arrival of the Nobleman

The Duck Hunt

A Patrician Family

The Parlour

The Painter in his Studio

Preparing the Guns

The `New World'

The Pharmacist

The Wet-Nurse

The Geography Lesson

The Ridotto

Lute Player

The Little Concert

The Venetian Ladys Morning

A Visit to a Lord

Lady at her Toilette

The Sacrament Of Marriage

The hairdresser

The hunters and the farmers

A Walk On Horseback

The Fortune Teller

The furlana (Venetian dance)

The Spinner

The Temptation

The Fortune Teller

The sleeping woman

The Family

A Shepherd Boy

A Shepherd girl with a basket

In The Vegetable Garden At The River Mouth

Conversation in the family




    本文标题:No.31 彼得罗·隆吉 | 题材多为上流社会生活
