
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-07-20 15:25 被阅读0次


    1. 我近贪婪地、陶醉地呼吸着清冷的空气,虽然我感到孤独,不过与孤独相伴的是享受和诗兴

    2. 孤独就是无求于人,我渴望得到孤独,长久以来,我最终获得了它。孤独是冰冷的,哦,没错,它又是那样恬静,那么广阔无垠,如同那又冷又静,群星回旋的宇宙空间

    3. 不过有一点他没学会,那就是对自己对生活感到心满意足

    4. 为了取得个人自由,他无数次地抛弃,拒绝了世人眼里会带来好处和幸福的东西

    5. 若从玄学的观点来看,事情就截然不同,而且清楚的多——从这一角度观察,我所看到的“自杀者”是那些由于其个性而深感内疚的人,其生活目的好像并非自我完成,自我发展,而是自我解体,回归母体,回归上苍,回归宇宙

    6. 我们所生活的这个世界好像并不是我们的世界,正像幽默既可以尊重法律又可以超越法律之上,即占有财产又好像“一无所有”;既可以将一切抛弃,又好像从未放弃,幽默正是所有这些深得人心且不断被人表达的人生高度智慧的要求

    7. 哈里打算借助将自己分裂为狼与人,欲望与精神的办法来更好的理解自己的命运,殊不知此种二分法过于简单,因而歪曲了“真实”

    8. 哈里发现自己身上存在一个“人”而这正是思想感情文化温顺而崇高的性格的世界,他还发现自己身上与“人”并列的还有“一头狼”,而这正是充满欲望粗野,残酷低下的粗鄙性格的黑暗世界

    9. 人并非一个固定的,恒定的形象,尽管古代的先知有与之相反的感觉,但这种固定的,恒定的形象属于古典时代的理想;相反,人是一种试验和过渡,人仅仅是自然和精神之间的一座桥梁,且是又狭窄又危险的桥梁。他在内心深处不可抗拒的力量的驱使下向精神,上帝走去;他又因为最诚挚的渴望被吸引回归自然和母体,他的生活就介于两种力量之间摇摆

    10. 上帝之路并非引导我们向后走,而是要我们向前行,这条路既不通向狼也不通向儿童,而是持续向前,通向罪恶,引导我们修身正己。

    11. 你不会将自己的世界缩小,你也不会将自己的灵魂简化,反之,你那痛苦的扩大了的灵魂中会容纳越来越多的世界,乃至整个世界,然后,或许就这样终止,永远的安息,这是释迦摩尼走过的路,任何一个伟大的人物若冒险成功就得走这条路,不同之处在于有人是出于自觉,有人是被迫而已。

    12. 所有的孩子一出世就代表着脱离宇宙,代表着从上帝那里游离出来,代表着走上痛苦的新生之路,若想回到宇宙,停止痛苦的个性化生活,进而修身成神,就一定要敞开胸怀,扩大灵魂,从而让灵魂可以容纳下整个宇宙。

    13. 一个人要想上吊,那么他就去上吊好了,他必定尤其理由,要是想活着,他就得为生活操心,这真是再简单不过的事情了。

    14. 而在永恒之中,你要清零,这儿是不存在时间的;永恒仅是一瞬间,恰好可以开一个玩笑。

    15. 每个人都有一千个混在一起的灵魂,荒原狼只是其中的一个。

    16. 我让你喜欢,让你觉得我重要,这是由于对你而言,我就如同一面镜子,我可以用自己身上存在的东西给你回答,可以理解你。

    17. 若你需要获得他人的允许才能快乐享受,那么你就真是个可怜虫。

    18. 无论这是高度的智慧还是最简单的天真幼稚,谁可以尽情享受瞬间的快乐,谁就能一直生活在当下,不瞻前顾后;谁懂的如此亲切,谨慎的欣赏路边的每一朵小花,看每一个小小嬉戏,那一瞬间的价值,那么生活就不会损害其一丝一毫。

    19. 它们不打算奉承你,也不打算吸引你,它们真诚,它们显露出来的就是其本来面貌。就如同草木山石,日月星辰,你明白吗?

    20. 就算你清楚,你的斗争会失败,你的生活也不会因此变得平庸和愚蠢。反之,哈里,倘若你在替某种美好的事物和某种理想而斗争,而认为你最终一定要实现目标,这样反而要平庸的多,是不是理想都可以实现?是不是我们活着就是为了消除死亡?不,我们活着,恰好是出于对死亡的惧怕,然后又重新爱它,恰好是因为它的缘故,又是这一点点生活在某一小时就会显得特别美妙。

    21. 因为我们是一样的。因为我们同样孤独,同样不能爱生活,不能爱人,不能爱自己,我无法严肃认真的对待生活,对待别人和自己,这个世上总会存在此类人,他们对生活要求过高,而对自己的愚蠢和粗野又相当不甘心。

    22. ‘’对于音乐而言,重要的并不在于人们是不是有鉴赏力,是不是有教养,重要的是人们在演奏歌唱。就在于人们演奏的尽可能的好,尽可能的多,尽可能的专注。

    23. 我对目前的幸福感到相当满足,我还可以忍受很长一段时间,但是我并不渴望永远占有此种幸福,相反,我渴望的是再次受苦,我自愿为这些苦难赴死。

    24. 哈里,你曾经是一个艺术家,思想家,一个充满信仰的人,一直在追寻伟大而永恒的事物从未满足于美丽的细小的事物。不过,你越是被生活唤醒,你就越恢复本性,你所承受的困苦就越大,你就越来越深的陷入痛苦,不安和绝望之中,直至没顶。你以前认识、热爱和崇敬的所有美好而神圣的东西,你从前对人类,对我们命运的信仰均予你无益,这一切均会失去价值,成为一堆废物,你的信仰失去了可供呼吸的空气。

    25. 你在头脑中原本存在一幅生活的图画,你有信仰,有要求,你原本打算做一番事业,打算受苦牺牲,不过你慢慢地发现,世界压根儿不要求你有所作为,不要求你做出牺牲,这一类事情并非世界要求你做的,生活并非充斥着英雄角色或英雄史诗,你慢慢发觉,生活仅是一个优雅的好房间,人们住在里面吃法喝酒,喝咖啡,穿上一双针织袜子,玩玩纸牌,听听收音机,人们为此感到心满意足。倘若有人追求别的东西,倘若有人身上具有别的东西——那些具有英雄气概的美好的事物,崇敬伟大的世人或崇敬圣人,他就是傻瓜或唐吉珂德式的骑士。

    26. 对于当前这个简单舒适,很容易就能满足的世界而言,你的要求过高了,你的欲望过多了,你就被这个世界吐了出来,原因就在于你过于独特。

    27. 在当今世界上,倘若一个人想活着,且一辈子都快快乐乐的活活,他就不能做如同你我这一类人。倘若谁不打算胡乱演奏而要听真正的音乐,想拒绝低级娱乐而要真正的快乐,拒绝金钱而拥有灵魂,拒绝忙碌钻营而想要真正的工作,拒绝逢场作戏而拥有真正的激情,那么在这个浮华的世界中这种人找不到自己的家乡。

    28. 轻松的生活,轻松的爱情,轻松的死亡,这对我来说毫无价值。

    29. 疯癫是一切智慧的源头。

    30. 我的孩子,整个生活就是如此,我们不得不顺其自然,倘若我们不是笨驴,何妨一笑置之。

    31. 你还是学会倾听吧,你要先学会认真对待那些值得被认真对待的东西,放弃讥笑其他东西。难道与他人相比,你自己就做得更好更高尚,更聪明,更雅致吗?当然并非如此。

    32. 绞刑架下的幽默,指在逆境中或面临可怕的事情时聊以自慰的幽默。

    33. 总有一天,我能学会笑。


    1. I breathe the cold air greedily and intoxicatedly. Although I feel lonely, the loneliness is accompanied by enjoyment and poetry.

    2. Loneliness is wanting nothing from others. I longed for loneliness, and for a long time, I finally got it. Loneliness is cold, oh yes, it's so quiet, so vast, like the cold and quiet space of the swirling stars

    3. One thing he didn't learn though was being satisfied with his life

    4. In order to achieve personal freedom, he has abandoned countless times, rejecting what the world sees as good and happy

    5. From a metaphysical point of view, things are different and much clearer - from this point of view, the "suicides" I see are those who are deeply guilty of The purpose seems not to be self-fulfillment, self-development, but self-disintegration, return to the mother, return to God, return to the universe

    6. The world we live in does not seem to be our world, just as humor can both respect the law and transcend it, that is, possess property and seem to have "nothing at all"; Humor is exactly what all of these well-received and constantly expressed wisdom of life demand.

    7. Harry intends to better understand his own destiny by dividing himself into wolf and man, desire and spirit, but he does not know that this dichotomy is too simple and thus distorts the "truth"

    8. Harry found in himself a "man" and this is the world of the docile and noble character of the culture of thought, emotion and culture, and he also found that there was a "wolf" in him alongside the "man", which was full of desire. The dark world of brutish, cruel and lowly vulgar characters

    9. Man is not a fixed, constant image, although the ancient prophets felt the opposite, but this fixed, constant image belongs to the ideal of the classical age; on the contrary, man is a kind of experiment and transition, and man is only A bridge between nature and spirit, a narrow and dangerous bridge. Driven by an irresistible force deep within him, he went to the Spirit, God; and he was drawn back to nature and the mother by his most sincere longing, and his life oscillated between the two forces

    10. The way of God is not to lead us backward, but to go forward. This road leads neither to wolves nor to children, but continues forward, leads to sin, and leads us to be self-righteous.

    11. You don't shrink your world, you don't simplify your soul, but your painful enlarged soul will hold more and more worlds, even the whole world, and then, maybe that's it Termination, eternal rest, this is the road that Shakyamuni walked. Any great person must take this road if he takes a successful risk. The difference is that some people are conscious and others are forced.

    12. As soon as all children are born, they represent the separation from the universe, the separation from God, and the painful new life. If you want to return to the universe, stop the painful individualized life, and then cultivate yourself into a god, you must. Be sure to open your mind and expand your soul so that the soul can hold the entire universe.

    13. If a person wants to hang himself, he should hang himself. He must have a special reason. If he wants to live, he has to worry about life. This is really a simple thing.

    14. And in eternity, you want to clear, there is no time; eternity is only a moment, just enough to make a joke.

    15. Everyone has a thousand mixed souls, and Steppenwolf is just one of them.

    16. I make you like me and make you feel that I am important, because for you, I am like a mirror, I can answer you with what I have in me, and I can understand you.

    17. If you need permission from others to be happy, then you're a poor bastard.

    18. Whether it is a high degree of wisdom or the simplest naivety, whoever can enjoy the momentary happiness to the fullest can always live in the moment without looking ahead; who understands so kindly and cautiously appreciates every little flower on the roadside , to see the value of every little play, the value of that moment, then life will not damage it in the slightest.

    19. They don't try to flatter you or attract you, they're sincere, and they show what they are. Just like grass, trees, rocks, sun, moon and stars, do you understand?

    20. Even if you know that your struggles will fail, your life will not become mediocre and stupid. On the other hand, Harry, if you are fighting for something beautiful and some ideal, and you think that you must achieve your goal in the end, it will be much more mediocre, is it possible to achieve all ideals? Are we living to eliminate death? No, we live precisely because of the fear of death, and then love it again, precisely because of it, and that little bit of life can be especially wonderful in a certain hour.

    21. Because we are the same. Because we are equally lonely, we can't love life, we can't love others, we can't love ourselves, and I can't take life seriously, treat others and myself, there will always be such people in this world, they demand too much from life, and they don't care about their own. Stupid and rude and quite unwilling.

    22. ''For music, what matters is not whether people are appreciative or educated, what matters is that people are playing and singing. It's all about people playing as well as possible, as much as possible, as focused as possible.

    23. I am quite content with my present happiness, and I can bear it for a long time, but I do not desire to possess this happiness forever, on the contrary, I desire to suffer again, for which I am willing to die.

    24. Harry, you were once an artist, a thinker, a man of faith, always looking for the great and the eternal never satisfied with the beautiful little things. However, the more you are awakened by life, the more you will be restored to your nature, the greater the hardship you will endure, and the deeper and deeper you will be in pain, anxiety, and despair, until you reach the bottom. All the good and holy things you used to know and love and revere, your beliefs in humanity and in our destiny are of no use to you, all will lose their value, become a pile of waste, your beliefs have lost their breath air.

    25. You originally had a picture of life in your mind. You had beliefs and demands. You originally planned to do a career and suffer and sacrifice, but you slowly discovered that the world doesn’t ask you to do anything at all. Don't ask you to make sacrifices, this kind of thing is not what the world asks you to do, life is not full of heroic characters or heroic epics, you slowly realize that life is just a nice and elegant room where people live and eat and drink, Drink coffee, put on a pair of knitted socks, play cards, listen to the radio, and people are content. If one seeks something else, if one has something else in him—those good things that are heroic, reverence for great men or saints, he is a fool or a Don Quixote knight.

    26. For the current world that is simple, comfortable and easy to satisfy, your requirements are too high, your desires are too much, and you are spit out by this world, because you are too unique.

    27. In today's world, if a person wants to live and live happily all his life, he can't be like you and me. If anyone wants to listen to real music instead of playing rambling, wants real happiness instead of low-level entertainment, has soul instead of money, wants real work instead of hustle and bustle, and wants to have real passion instead of juggling, then in this In the flashy world, such people can't find their hometown.

    28. Easy life, easy love, easy death, it's worthless to me.

    29. Madness is the source of all wisdom.

    30. My child, this is the whole life, we have to go with the flow, if we are not stupid donkeys, why don't we laugh it off.

    31. You should learn to listen. You must first learn to take seriously what deserves to be taken seriously, and give up sneering at other things. Do you yourself do better and nobler, wiser, more elegant than others? Of course not.

    32. Humor under the gallows refers to the humor of masturbation in the face of adversity or in the face of terrible things.

    33. One day, I can learn to laugh.



