
作者: 1f24f759ab66 | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 00:16 被阅读1次


1 CertChain_ Public and Efficient Certificate Audit Based on Blockchain for TLS Connections

Jing Chen and Shixiong Yao (Wuhan University, P.R. China)武汉大学; Quan Yuan (University of Texas-Permian Basin, USA); Kun He (Wuhan University, P.R. China); Shouling Ji (Zhejiang University, P.R. China & Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Ruiying Du (Wuhan University, P.R. China)

In recent years, real-world attacks against PKI take place frequently. For example, malicious domains' certificates issued by compromised CAs are widespread, and revoked certificates are still trusted by clients. In spite of a lot of research to improve the security of SSL/TLS connections, there are still some problems unsolved. On one hand, although log-based schemes provided certificate audit service to quickly detect CAs' misbehavior, the security and data consistency of log servers are ignored. On the other hand, revoked certificates checking is neglected due to the incomplete, insecure and inefficient certificate revocation mechanisms. Further, existing revoked certificates checking schemes are centralized which would bring safety bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based public and efficient audit scheme for TLS connections, which is called Certchain. Specially, we propose a dependability-rank based consensus protocol in our blockchain system and a new data structure to support certificate forward traceability. Furthermore, we present a method that utilizes dual counting bloom filter (DCBF) with eliminating false positives to achieve economic space and efficient query for certificate revocation checking. The security analysis and experimental results demonstrate that CertChain is suitable in practice with moderate overhead.

  作者针对这种需求,提出了一种基于区块链的公开、高效的证书认证机制。作者的主要贡献包括:提出来一种基于可靠性等级的共识机制;设计一种支持可追溯证书转发的数据结构;提出了一种基于dual counting bloom filter (DCBF)的消除假阳性的方法,从而实现对证书撤销检查的经济空间和高效查询。

2 Searching an Encrypted Cloud Meets Blockchain_ A Decentralized, Reliable and Fair Realization

Shengshan Hu(Wuhan University, P.R. China)武汉大学; Chengjun Cai (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Qian Wang (Wuhan University, P.R. China); Cong Wang (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Luo Xiangyang (Zhengzhou Information Science and Technology Institute, P.R. China); Kui Ren (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)

Enabling search directly over encrypted data is a desirable technique to allow users to effectively utilize encrypted data outsourced to a remote server like cloud service provider. So far, most existing solutions focus on an honest-but-curious server, while security designs against a malicious server have not drawn enough attention. It is not until recently that a few works address the issue of verifiable designs that enable the data owner to verify the integrity of search results. Unfortunately, these verification mechanisms are highly dependent on the specific encrypted search index structures, and fail to support complex queries. There is a lack of a general verification mechanism that can be applied to all search schemes. Moreover, no effective countermeasures (e.g., punishing the cheater) are available when an unfaithful server is detected. In this work, we explore the potential of smart contract in Ethereum, an emerging blockchain-based decentralized technology that provides a new paradigm for trusted and transparent computing. By replacing the central server with a carefully-designed smart contract, we construct a decentralized privacy-preserving search scheme where the data owner can receive correct search results with assurance and without worrying about potential wrongdoings of a malicious server. To better support practical applications, we introduce fairness to our scheme by designing a new smart contract for a financially-fair search construction, in which every participant (especially in the multiuser setting) is treated equally and incentivized to conform to correct computations. In this way, an honest party can always gain what he deserves while a malicious one gets nothing. Finally, we implement a prototype of our construction and deploy it to a locally simulated network and an official Ethereum test network, respectively. The extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate the practicability of our decentralized search


3 Stochastic Models and Wide-Area Network Measurements for Blockchain Design and Analysis

Nikolaos Papadis (Yale University, USA); Sem Borst (Nokia Bell Labs & Eindhoven University of Technology, USA); Anwar Walid (Nokia Bell Labs, USA); Mohamed Grissa (Oregon State University, USA); Leandros Tassiulas (Yale University, USA)

The Blockchain paradigm provides a popular mechanism for establishing trust and consensus in distributed environments. While Blockchain technology is currently primarily deployed in crypto-currency systems like Bitcoin, the concept is also expected to emerge as a key component of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), enabling novel applications in digital health, smart energy, asset tracking and smart transportation. As Blockchain networks evolve to industrial deployments with large numbers of geographically distributed nodes, the block transfer and processing delays arise as a critical issue which may create greater potential for forks and vulnerability to adversarial attacks. Motivated by these issues, we develop stochastic network models to capture the Blockchain evolution and dynamics and analyze the impact of the block dissemination delay and hashing power of the member nodes on Blockchain performance in terms of the overall block generation rate and required computational power for launching a successful attack. The results provide useful insight in crucial design issues, e.g., how to adjust the `difficulty-of-work' in the presence of delay so as to achieve a target block generation rate or appropriate level of immunity from adversarial attacks. We employ a combination of analytical calculations and simulation experiments to investigate both stationary and transient performance features, and demonstrate close agreement with measurements on a wide-area network testbed running the Ethereum protocol.

  本文比较有趣的地方包括1点:这篇文章的作者中包括“诺基亚贝尔实验室(没错,就是历史上鼎鼎大名的贝尔实验室,2016年被诺基亚收购了母公司)”。“诺基亚贝尔实验室”在2019年的INFOCOM也发表了一篇论文“ACCEL: Accelerating the Bitcoin Blockchain for High-throughput, Low-latency Applications”,研究区块链性能提升技术。从这两篇文章看,贝尔实验室的研究方向还是集中在底层技术难点,专注于解决核心、高难度、高价值问题。

4 Understanding Ethereum via Graph Analysis

Ting Chen (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), P.R. China电子科技大学); Yuxiao Zhu (School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, P.R. China); Zihao Li (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), P.R. China); Jiachi Chen, Xiaoqi Li and Xiapu Luo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong); Xiaodong Lin (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada); Xiaosong Zhang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China)

Being the largest blockchain with the capability of running smart contracts, Ethereum has attracted wide attention and its market capitalization has reached 20 billion USD. Ethereum not only supports its cryptocurrency named Ether but also provides a decentralized platform to execute smart contracts in the Ethereum virtual machine. Although Ether's price is approaching 200 USD and nearly 600K smart contracts have been deployed to Ethereum, little is known about the characteristics of its users, smart contracts, and the relationships among them. To fill in the gap, in this paper, we conduct the first systematic study on Ethereum by leveraging graph analysis to characterize three major activities on Ethereum, namely money transfer, smart contract creation, and smart contract invocation. We design a new approach to collect all transaction data, construct three graphs from the data to characterize major activities, and discover new observations and insights from these graphs. Moreover, we propose new approaches based on cross-graph analysis to address two security issues in Ethereum. The evaluation through real cases demonstrates the effectiveness of our new approaches.






