有间隔的反复检索对学习知识的重要性(中英双语)The impor

有间隔的反复检索对学习知识的重要性(中英双语)The impor

作者: Wendy说英语 | 来源:发表于2018-12-19 18:25 被阅读16次
有间隔的反复检索对学习知识的重要性(中英双语)The importance of interval retrieval to learning



The importance of interval retrieval to learning

In the book MAKE IT STICK, it is mentioned that  retrieval of knowledge you have learned is very necessary and crucial for  effective learning and  achieving long term memory.  The more efforts you have made to retrieve ,the deeper impression it will have on your mind.  So it's better to do interval retrieval than to retrieve immediately.  The best time for retrieval is when forgetting starts. And repetitive retrieval can turn the knowledge into long term memory by activating it in your mind time and time again.

This is the importance of retrieval for learning. In fact, it coincides with the knowledge Tony Buzan mentioned in his book USE YOUR HEAD. When you are learning something new, it is like exploring a new way in the forest. Because there is no way or even a narrow path, for the first time, it would be very tough for you, but become easier for the second and third time, and gradually a wider road will be walked out after several times. It's the same with learning. When you are facing a new concept you have never met before, it will take you a lot more time to understand and absorb it, however, when you review it for the second and third time, you will become more and more confident in it. Gradually a learning pathway will be formed in your mind. Moreover, it is suggested to review it after a while, but not immediately, because it 's like there are more weeds or barriers on your way now after a period of time, it will take you more time and energy to get rid of these weeds. When you finish doing this, your ability of exploring will be significantly harnessed. As for learning, if you review intervally, more efforts will be needed to do it and thus your learning ability will be also dramatically enhanced which will provoke the widening of the learning pathways in your mind.


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    本文标题:有间隔的反复检索对学习知识的重要性(中英双语)The impor
