
作者: 勤劳的小蜜蜂V | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 21:28 被阅读0次

    how do you think destiny? do you believe it or not? will you be in charge of it ?

    when I was young i don't trust it, with times passed by, I believe it gradually. especially when I meet some failures or obstacles.

    I recall the first time about destiny it is high examination, I didn't get high score so my colleague is not well enough.

    the second time is about master degree examination I failed and search other institutes to continue my courses, finally I came to the school I long for.

    the third time is about work if I didn't choose optics but cars or telecommunications, things will be totally different.

    I don't know what destiny  will bring to me. happiness or sadness or misery or anxiety. I trust if you work hard so you will be successful. it seems not like that.

    keep studying with self -discipline, make dreams into reality one by one. no regrets when watch back.



