

作者: 句子控 | 来源:发表于2022-12-15 10:18 被阅读0次

    ①Maybe the wind was too strong, which blew away his previous tenderness.大概是风太大了,把他之前的溫柔都吹散了吧。

    ②In this world, all "sudden thoughts" are "always in my heart".这世上,所有的“突然想起”,都是“一直放在心底”。

    ③Don't talk when you are angry, and don't eat when you are sad. People with low self-esteem always punish themselves first.一生气就不说话,一难过就不吃饭,自卑的人永远都是先惩罚自己。

    ④I didn't eat when I was angry before, but now I wipe my tears and add an egg to my instant noodles. This is growing up ...以前一生气就不吃饭,现在一边抹眼泪一边给自己的泡面加个蛋,这就是成长吧……

    ⑤He is afraid that he knows, that he doesn't know, that he knows but pretends not to know.害怕他知道,害怕他不知道,害怕他知道却装作不知道。

    ⑥Every pen of mine knows your name, but you don't.我的每一支笔都知道你的名字,但你不知道。

    ⑦Children who have been left behind several times, it is time to grow up.都是被丢下几次的小朋友了,该长大了。

    ⑧Don't laugh all the time. If you don't cry once, no one will love you.别总是笑,你不哭一次怎么会有人心疼你。

    ⑨The saddest thing is not hiding in the quilt in the middle of the night and crying, but the feeling of loss when two people are reconciled in their dreams and wake up.




